Ch. 49

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Jamie POV
It's a nice day out in the yard with Crosshairs and Drift. Strangely, we're enjoying sitting on the hill in the middle of the day.
"CROSSHAIRS!" Lightning yells and angrily walks towards us, "what are you doing with her?!"
"I asked if you wanted to—."
We didn't see the gun until it was too late. I can't believe Lightning shot her own brother.
"What have you done?!" Drift asks while looking at Crosshairs. Shot right in the spark.
Then I watch her kill Drift.
"Y-you killed your own brother, and...."
"You want me to kill you?"
She points the gun at me.

"Easy, you're ok," Drift says, but I can't breathe. Shit, where are you, Crosshairs?
As if he knew I was looking for him, Crosshairs runs in, "you're safe, everyone is safe; relax."
Drift tries to have me do breathing exercises to calm down. I'm still in pain from the fractured ribs.
"Drift, she's...."
Everything goes dark.

Drift POV
This is scary, and it's been happening for the past three days. There's no getting used to this even if we've seen this before. This time, Lightning walks in.
"Get her out of here!" I order, which even Crosshairs didn't expect. The two leave the room as I keep Jamie from falling off the bed.
It's a long thirty seconds before the seizure ends. It's still scary seeing Jamie out of it.
"You're safe," I assure her as I stroke her hair. These tire her out, and she's asleep within five minutes. I text Prime and Hound, though there's nothing Hound can do; he's the team's medic until we know if Ratchet is safe and needs to know this as much as Prime.
I didn't think they'd come up to my room this time, though there's nothing to talk about. We can't stop the nightmares, which now scare Jamie to the point of panicking and having these seizures.

Three hours later

Jamie POV
I can't take this anymore. I can't sleep for long with these fucking nightmares. I have to stay here and protect everyone from her, but I hate Crosshairs, and Drift are doing more to take care of me. I know the others worry, but they don't come in when I have nightmares. 
The infusion is finished, and I can remove the tube from the IV. It still hurts to move.
, But I ignore the pain and go downstairs, leaving the house via one of the back doors. I don't know where the others are. The pain has gotten worse, but I have to get out of here.
"What are you trying to do by not going home?" I hear. Shit, I know that voice, "another opportunity to take you down easily,"
I get ready for a fight, feeling the pain increase, "pathetic!"
Jadin kicks me down. I think she knows I have fractured ribs as she's about to step on my chest.
"Get away from her!" I hear Lightning yell, "you know how easily I can crush you right now?!"
She's in her bipedal mode, pointing a gun at Jadin, who smiles and steps on my chest — enjoying my scream — before flying away.
I feel hands touch me, but I'm in too much pain to move.

Lighting POV
I can't believe that glitch. I don't know if Jadin broke Jamie's ribs more. Only Rangeblade heard the scream.
"Go get help and tell them Jamie is in too much pain to move!" I yell. Rangeblade runs towards the house, "you'll be ok."
"J-just k-kill me now," Jamie pants.
I hate hearing that. Something tells me this is what her nightmares have been about, but is she in too much pain and thinking death is the only way out? Then I realize, scrap a rib can break and puncture a lung. I have to keep Jamie from going to sleep.
"You'll be ok, and our brother will be happy to see us happy together," I take her hand, but I cannot keep her from going to sleep, "Jamie?"
I scream, worried she just died in front of me.
"Lightning!" Crosshairs yells
He's running towards us with Drift, Cade, Hound, and Prime.
Crosshairs moves me away from Jamie before sitting on the ground and hugging me as I cry. Drift sits next to Crosshairs, terrified. I didn't think Crosshairs would hug him. I don't think Drift cares we are in a group hug. We watch Cade and Hound put Jamie on the stretcher and go to the barn. Crosshairs continues to watch the family he wants fall apart.

I don't know how we made it to Crosshairs' room, sitting on his bed. It's a long six hours before Prime walks in. We are afraid to go to the barn with the others.

"Well, we repaired the ribs like Prime thought we should have," Hound starts, "though Jadin broke one completely. She's still going to be in pain, but it'll be a little better," Drift is already having a hard time with the information, "we had to repair a lung. She'll be ok, but I'm keeping her in a coma for a day. The pain was too much, and that's why she lost consciousness."
I know little about her, but I feel like she's been through a lot before this. Still, this is tough to hear. We take turns seeing Jamie, except for Drift. We let him stay by the bed.
"I am so sorry," I cry, "you'd be ok if I didn't hurt you almost a month ago."
We should have only had the trust to build with Rangeblade. We'd likely be fine by now, but no; I had to be selfish, thinking my brother wouldn't give me the attention I deserve from my brother. Even knowing Drift has medical equipment, which means something happens to Jamie and they're prepared, something serious, but I don't feel better. I still worry she'll be afraid of me.
Drift, and I don't want to leave her even if she'll be unconscious until tomorrow. 
"Let them sleep here," Prime insists.
It's warm here, and we can sleep in our bipedal mode to sleep on the berths.

Drift doesn't want to sleep, no matter how many times Hound tells him Jamie is ok; this is to help her body heal.
"I'll make you go into recharge," he threatens.
He leaves the barn as Crosshairs gets Drift to lie on a berth.
"She'll be ok; Hound said she'll have a little pain," Crosshairs reminds him as he takes his servo.
This isn't hating the one he loves injured and in a medically induced coma. This is a reaction as if something happened before to Jamie. That's something for after this scrap ends. I may have saved her, but Jamie could still be afraid to be near me.

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