Ch. 7

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"Rangeblade, I have decided you can stay-."
"What? No fragging way!!" Hound raged.
Bumblebee, Crosshairs, Hot Rod, Cade, Tessa, and Vivian also expressed their disgust. While Drift, Jamie, and Lightning watched, disappointed. Rangeblade's fear increased, and she thought about fleeing. Optimus Prime had a hard time getting everyone to stop arguing about letting Rangeblade stay. He got them to stop in time to watch Rangeblade transform and drive off.
"There she goes to tell Megatron our location!!" Hound raged.
Lightning transformed, Jamie got in, and she drove off. Crosshairs was about to follow her, but Optimus stopped him.
"But sir, what if they're being led into a trap?" Crosshairs asked.
"I don't believe Rangeblade is leading Lightning towards a trap."
Crosshairs walks away, furious.
"Wait a bit before going to find them," Optimus tells Drift, "it's your choice if Crosshairs shall
accompany you."
With that, Optimus walks away. Everyone but Drift watches, concerned Optimus is putting Lightning and Jamie in danger.

Rangeblade POV
Staying at the property was a mistake. They'll never accept me. Only Drift, Jamie, Lightning, and Optimus Prime believe I can change. If I stay, I'll be dividing the Autobots. It's better I left even if I don't know where I am or where to go. All I know is no one wants me. Megatron will be furious once he finds out I was captured by a human, even if they had robot guards. If Cemetery Wind or the TRF were still active, I'd find them and let them kill me.

Lightning POV
I've been driving for three hours now. Both Jamie and I are having a hard time locating Rangeblade. How can she mask her Cybertronian signature?
I drive around for three hours before getting a signal. Jamie and I worry Rangeblade is injured. I drive as fast as I can to her location.
"Rangeblade, stop!" Jamie and I yell. Now we see why we got her signal; she's harming herself.
"I have nowhere to go. Megatron will be pissed I was saved by Autobots, there's a human hunting us, and the Autobots hate me. What else can I do?"
"Come back with us," I plead.
"I know they are angery, but they will not harm you."
"It's going to take time, but we believe things will get better."

Rangeblade rushed right into the barn once we returned. I instructed Drift to help with the injuries she gave herself while I talk to Optimus.

"I have already talked to everyone. While I share their concerns, I also agree we must give her a chance," Optimus tells me.

Optimus Prime POV
I feel Rangeblade is lost and needs guidance. Drift, Jamie, and Lightning can set her on the right path. I am aware this could end badly, and it's been a trap all along. Everyone deserves a second chance.

Crosshairs POV
I do not like my sister and friend near the Decepticon, nor do I like that they, along with Drift, trust the Decepticon.
"GET AWAY FROM THEM!!" I raged, the Decepticon flinched.
I scoop Jamie up and pull my sister by the arm away from the Decepticon.
"Crosshairs," Lighting whins as I pull her away.

"You two are to stay away from that Decepticon," I ordered.
"You don't see it, do you?" Lightning asks.
"I see a Decepticon who's plotting to either give Megatron our location or kill us!"
The two girls have never seen me this angery.
Jamie is quiet as Lightning arguing with me, or so I thought. Turns out, she ran off.
"...You have to trust me, Crosshairs," Lightning finished.
"Fine," I replied, still angery but concerned about Jamie.
"Nice going," LIghtning elbows me before walking away.

Lightning POV
I know he's trying to protect us, but he forgets there's a former Decepticon on the team whom he's friends with. I've been picturing my reunion with Crosshairs having a lot of time together, which is still possible, but it looks like I'm in charge of Autobot trust camp.
Rangeblade is sitting on the floor in the barn.
"They're hurting the little human," she tells me.
"Jamie, I don't think she's ever seen Crosshairs this angery."
"I told you I shouldn't have returned."
"It's going to take time. I'll make sure you're safe."

The next day

Rangeblade POV
Drift comes into the barn and insists I don't stay here, but instead of making me leave, he sits next to me. He promises me the others will not hurt me. I tell him I'm concerned about Jamie, though I don't know anything about her. Drift tells me s little about her, including how they're sort of together.
Does she know he was a Decepticon?
Drift tells me there are more complicated things about Jamie that he'll explain to Lightning and me later.
"Um, Drift," Lighting interrupts.
"What's the problem?" He asks. I worry it's about Jamie, and sure enough, it is.
"Jamie left; she told me not to follow her through the portal or worry about her," Lightning explains with concern in her voice.
"How do you open a portal?" I ask Drift.
"She'll be ok," Drift assures me.
"No, you need to go after her," I urged.
Drift does as I ask. I'm amazed at how Jamie figured out how to open portals at a young age.
"I told you I can't stay here.'

Lightning POV
Things just keep getting better and better. Drift can deal with Jamie until he gets her to come back. Now, what to do about Rangeblade? I can't just let her stay in the barn. I'll leave her alone for now.
Crosshairs is pacing around an open area.
"She left, didn't she?" He asks. By the tone of his voice, I know he's asking about Jamie.
"Drift is taking care of it. Cone on, I think a drive will help you calm down."
I inform Optimus we're heading out before transforming.

Crosshairs is definitely pissed considering the high speed he's going.
"Will you slow down?" I finally ask.
Instead, Crosshairs increase speed. I followed him for an hour before trying to get him to stop.
Damn, a nice reunion with my brother and fellow Autobots has turned into a disaster.

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