Ch. 34

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Lightning POV
Crosshairs orders room service for breakfast every morning, but I still like it. Done mornings, we stay in bed, and other mornings — like today — we sit at the table on the balcony, enjoying one last few hours looking at this view.  Crosshairs'walks back into the room, disappointed.
"They won't let us use the pool after we check out," he tells me.
"It's fine; we can have a pool day when we get home and lock the others out."
Crosshairs laughs at this idea.

Our last two hours in this room flew by; it's time to head to our next destination. Crosshairs still won't tell me where we are going. All I know is it's a five-hour drive. 

We ended up in traffic, and our drive took six hours. I can't believe where we are.
"I told you you'd like it," he smiles as we walk down the path, "and we are alone for the week."
"Did you pay extra to not allow other humans to come here?"
"No, it's the offseason. Though we can still use our holoforms if you want."
"It's better to be safe."
We don't know if we're still targets or not — even if no government organization's hunting us. Our holoforms aren't affected by the cold temperatures like humans. Crosshairs oddly takes the time to put a tent up even though we can sleep under the stars. Though I find out it's going to be raining a few days while we're here. 
"At least we can camp without worrying about being hunted," Crosshairs comments.  
While Crosshairs puts up the tent, I find wood for the fire. Of course, since this is a campground, people can buy pre-cut firewood or go the old-fashioned route, finding their firewood. I wonder if Crosshairs also wants to try fishing for dinner? Maybe not tonight since it's almost pitch black. 

Once the fire is lit, Crosshairs shows me he brought food. One good thing about having a subspace; no need for so much luggage, and it's easier to carry the luggage we have. Crosshairs packed what humans often cook when they're camping; hot dogs. We watched the stars for a while after dinner and putting the fire out. This will be a nice week.

Crosshairs explains he came prepared with food, but we're going to try fishing for dinner then a little swim. Curious how long he'll try fishing before getting bored? I don't see Crosshairs being patient enough for fishing. 

Crosshairs POV
I find fishing boring, but I thought it would be fun to experience true camping. I brought food in case fishing is a bust. Lightning has no idea what this campground has to offer. There's a lot to do; I know I might be convincing Lightning we should stay here for a while; but, I'm not sure if there's a limit before we'd be told to go home.

I wait until Lightning is asleep to sit on the dock, looking at the stars. I knew Drift couldn't resist texting me to tell me Jamie wants me to come home. He'd mention Lightning if Jamie said her name. What's worse is the text he sent telling me Jamie told him she's scared Lightning will hurt us before crying. I stare at my phone, reading the last text Drift sent.
Drift: even she knows you'll have to choose between her and Lightning.
"I can't do this, Primus. Please show my two girls I love them both equally."
I sit on the dock for a while before lying next to Lightning and going to sleep.

Vivian showed me how to use a griddle attachment for the grill to make pancakes and bacon for breakfast. Unfortunately, I doubt I'm as good as Cogman. 
"Are you ok?" Lightning asks.
"Yeah," I lie.
It's hard not to think Jamie will leave and likely never come back once we get home.

Lightning tells me she likes the pancakes and bacon before asking what we're doing today. 
It's a little early to get the kayaks, so I suggest a hike up the mountain; that'll kill a couple of hours. It's great we don't have to carry a backpack like humans do when hiking.

It's a nice hike with an amazing view. Lightning brought her camera to take pictures. It's impossible not to think if only Jamie and Drift were here and that maybe we'll all come back here. I'm trying not to kill the vacation, but it's getting harder not to.
Why must you do this to me, Primus?

We still have to wait three hours after returning from our hike to rent kayaks. My mind kept saying, now's the time to talk to Lightning about this, but is there a right time? Maybe there isn't even a wrong time, but I feel like this is the wrong time. I don't think I'll be able to find a place to call Drift, nor do I want to hear Jamie cry.

We finally got kayaks and got on the water. Once we figured out how to not tip over so easily, Lightning wanted to race. It's hard not to think if only the others were here or that Jamie would love this — of what I want things to be like, but I don't know what to do. I don't want to pick which girl to spend time with.

Lightning POV
He's thinking about her again, unbelievable! Even while on vacation without her. He's my brother and should be focused on me. I have to do something, but I don't know what I can do without getting into trouble.

Two hours pass quickly, and it's on to attempting to get fish for dinner. We agree to buy a couple of fish at the nearby grocery store if this is a failure. Funny, we both want to have fish for dinner tonight.
Crosshairs is immediately bored of waiting for the fish to come to us.
"We could try to catch by hand," I suggest jokingly, but Crosshairs gets into the water and tries to catch a fish by hand, scaring them away. 
"You scared the fish away."
"I hate fishing!" Crosshairs rages as he gets out of the water.
"That wasn't fishing," I get the fishing pole, "this is fishing, but no point now. Let's have hot dogs tonight and fish the right way tomorrow."
Crosshairs didn't like I was making him try fishing again, but he agrees; we'll do fishing and kayaking again tomorrow. After that, I might add another hike. Wonder what else Crosshairs has planned for the week?

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