Ch. 32

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Crosshairs POV
Lightning wanted to go out right when we checked into the hotel, but I told her we should relax for the afternoon, so I have things planned to start tomorrow—a vintage double-decker bus tour and Thames river cruise. Lightning laughed when I didn't agree with her wanting to the early morning tour. Sure, we can keep going for a few days, but this is a vacation, and we agreed to stay for two weeks; why rush? 
"I think all this hiding from humans has made you lazy, Cross," Lightning jokes, "fine, I'll go enjoy the endless tub."
She gets some clothes and goes into the bathroom. 

Looking at the view of the marina, I hate feeling this isn't perfect. How can I not? Though Drift and Jamie would probably argue we should go to Japan. It's going to be so hard to accept my dream is dead; I have to choose my sister or Jamie. No, actually, I have no choice; I hate I'm thinking Lightning would gladly kill Jamie. I'm not going to take this time as an opportunity to talk to Lightning; it'll Just ruin the vacation. I lie on the bed, trying to hide my sadness before Lightning comes out of the bathroom. 

Lightning POV
I don't know what's nicer; this tub or knowing I'll be spending two weeks alone with my brother. I could keep this going for longer; we could go to other countries. I doubt I'll be able to convince him to leave the team, and eventually, he'd want to go home. 

After a nice hour-long bath, I find Crosshairs has fallen asleep. I lay on the bed and close my eyes. 

We ended up taking a two-hour nap. 
"And you wanted to do the bus tour today," Crosshairs teases. 
"I blame that relaxing bath," I smile, and Crosshairs laughs. 
Today ends up being a lazy day in the room with a nice dinner at the hotel. 

The next day 

The smell of coffee and bacon wakes me up from a nice dream. I see Crosshairs ordered a big breakfast. 
"And I thought I'd have to shake you awake," he jokes as he gets the tray from the shelf of the cart, opens the legs, and places the tray on the bed next to me. He gets the two plates and puts them on the tray before removing the lids, putting them on the cart, and making our coffee. There's no room on the tray for our coffee. Crosshairs hands me my coffee before lying on the bed while holding his coffee. Crosshairs got us both waffles, scrambled eggs, and bacon with toast.  

It's been interesting going from struggling to get food and getting Energon was nearly impossible to settling into the way humans live. I know we don't have to, and I could have refused to use my holoform while at Vivien's, but I also like this. 

"So, lazy morning?" Crosshairs asks before getting the remote and turning on the T.V.
We watch T.V. for an hour before getting ready to go.

"You know we'll be seeing some places a few times considering what you want to do?" Crosshairs asks.
"Yes, still fun, and it's time with you," I reply.

 Today is more of driveby famous places, and I have plans to tour these places. 

Not many people are going on this tour; only ten other people. I guess since it's five days before the new year, not many people are vacationing. In fact, half of the group are locals.
"Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. My name is Greg, and I will be your tour guide," A slender, black-haired man introduced himself before going over the route and some rules before we could get on the bus.
"So, it's a tour of the city," Crosshairs comments.
"It seems to be a little bit of the city, where the famous landmarks are," I point out.

We go to the top of the double-decker bus with most of the group. The top is open; makes it easy to take pictures. However, the downside is we can't hear Greg talk about the landmarks as we drive by.
"It's a relaxing preview of the places we'll visit," I tell Crosshairs.
"And the stores, oh boy," Crosshairs frets. I couldn't help but laugh.

Crosshairs knows about some of the places I want to see, but there are more places I'm discovering during both the bus tour and river cruise.

"So, we're staying for longer than two weeks?" He asks as we leave the station.
"I don't know. We might be able to see several places in a day."

It's three-thirty in the afternoon, we do have time to tour the famous clock tower, Big Ben, before dinner. It's a shame another tour I want to do only passes by the clock tower.
'So after sitting on our afts for three hours, you want to climb stairs to the top of this clock tower?" Crosshairs asks, not liking the plan.
"Three hundred and thirty-four steps with an amazing view on top, you'll be fine. I could make you walk there."

Crosshairs POV
I just don't see what's great about climbing stairs up a tower, but I'll do what my sister wants... mostly.

After an hour of going upstairs, we see an amazing view of the city. Lightning enjoys taking some pictures before going down the flight of stairs and heading to a local restaurant for dinner. We haven't had fish and chips yet. Though we will likely have this most of the time we're here.

After dinner, we walk around the city now that the sun has gone down. The city is nice at night. I think Lightning took a picture every five minutes.

The next morning, Lightning tells me most tours she wants to do doesn't have morning times.
"Good, I like these last mornings in bed with you," I tell her.
"We'll do a tour of Westminster Abbey and the Houses of Parliament and ride the London eye; A giant Ferris wheel."
I love that my sister is happy. This might actually last two weeks, and I have plans for a stop on the way home. 

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