Ch. 59

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Crosshairs POV
We talk about what the next step is in the hall in front of Drift's room. Even naps haven't been without nightmares the past week.
"I think we need another week of Jamie and Lightning spending time together," Bumblebee starts.
"The planned trust exercises are games like paintball,' Cade starts, "Though watching T.V. is a good alternative."
"Jamie is still recovering," Hound reminds us, "though I thought the trust exercises were more for Crosshairs trusting Rangeblade?"
"Which still needs work," Hot Rod claims.
I don't know if he still thinks I hate Rangeblade or knows she is still scared to even talk to me.
Optimus suggests we continue having the three femmes spend time together, and of course, Drift and I will be with them. We'll wait a couple of weeks and see if we even need to do what was originally planned. However, we all stated that we still  want to play paintball.
"Just not a water balloon fight," Cade adds.
Those of us who know why laugh and then explain to Hot Rod, Rangeblade, and Lightning, who then say they'd love to have a water balloon fight. Vivian tells us she'll join in when part of the reason we're playing these games isn't to work on trust.
Most of the others leave, but I ask Rangeblade to stay with us - even if we are watching Jamie sleep.. or that was the plan, but we hear Jamie whimpering in her sleep as we walk into the room. I let Lightning leave the room. She's seen enough of this, and it's hard after a good time together. Even if we all know a few days will not be enough after what Lightning did. That would be a record. Drift holds Jamie as we talk about Jamie's time with Lightning the past couple of days, especially last night, to try to calm her down. I know Lightning is watching from the doorway. I show Jamie the picture I took this morning.
"She will not hurt you; she wants to be your friend," I tell her.
Not a good time to tell her I want the two to think of each other as sisters.

We get Jamie to calm down, but she won't go back to sleep- both good and bad. It's late afternoon, but if she doesn't want to go back to sleep now, then tonight is going to be rough.

Lightning POV
It's hard watching this, and we worry everything good will be erased. I take my chances and go into the room. Jamie isn't holding on to Drift tight. Drift is the one who insists I take Jamie.
"Anata wa anzendesu," he says.
"Judging by our situation, transition; you're safe," Crosshairs guesses.
"How often does Drift speak Japanese that Crosshairs is learning?" I ask Jamie, though I don't think she's paying attention.
What are you thinking, Jamie?

Going back to sleep is out of the question; Crosshairs and Drift suggest going downstairs to watch T.V. It's perhaps a good sign; even after her nightmare, Jamie is still holding on to me. I didn't think Rangeblade would join us. I know she's worried once Crosshairs isn't distracted. It's back to hating her.

The others join us, and we have dinner while watching a movie. I can tell the other Autobots are troubled by this. We watch Jamie try to avoid sleep as time passes, but she's out by nine.
I want to take her to my room, but I don't think I can calm her down if she wakes up in the middle of the night.
"You want to sleep on the bed?" Drift asks, getting extra blankets.
"Oh hell no, she'd be livid seeing you on the couch and probably me in the room."
Drift thinks Jamie will be ok if I'm in the room.

I didn't know he had planned on letting me hold Jamie as she cries, frightened from the nightmare. What's interesting is Jamie still hugs me. I don't know if a battle in her mind makes sense, but that seems to be what's happening. She's not trembling as I hold her; instead, she's hugging me as she cries.
"This is unusual," Crosshairs tells Drift.
"I don't know what to think about this," Drift replies.

It's a rough ten minutes before Jamie is calm but refuses to go to sleep.
"It's too late to go downstairs to watch T.V.," Drift comments, "and too late to give her sleep aid."
I suggest getting Jamie's tablet, and hopefully, she'll fall asleep like last night. The mechs get the idea that I know they want to talk about what happened in the hallway. Though I know Drift is worried Jamie will panic.

Drift POV
Jamie is ok with me leaving the room — for now. Crosshairs and I didn't think Cade, Hound, and Prime would wait for us.
"Uh... I heard you and Lightning talking; heard the crying when I opened the door and while it's two in the morning, though these two should see what's happening," Hound explains.
"It's unusual; I don't know what to think about this," I tell them.
"I think this is progress," Cade adds, "the nightmares still happening isn't great, but Lightning can hold Jamie as she cries, and they're watching a movie. Though yes, Jamie trying not to sleep is a problem. You know how it goes; things get rough before they get better."
"There's not much we can do aside from what we have been, unfortunately," Prime concludes.
Cade, Hound, and Prime go back to their rooms while Crosshairs goes back to my room with me.
We sit on the couch I have in my room, not wanting to ruin the moment for the two femmes. We watch Jamie fight sleep for a good two hours before she falls asleep and we go to bed, hoping Jamie will not wake up from a nightmare again tonight.

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