Ch. 24

23 1 0

Crosshairs POV
I'm not mad Jamie didn't want to spend the day with Lighting and me yesterday. I know she wants me to spend time with Lighting alone. Today I plan on going for a drive with Lighting. Lightning wants Drift, Jamie, and Hot Rod to join us. I know she wants Rangeblade to come, but we know she'll refuse. Lighting brings breakfast to Hot Rod and hopes to convince him to join us. Optimus and Cade already left. I'd like to know what they've been doing the past three days. I haven't seen Rangeblade or Vivian.

Lightning walks back into the house as I get our breakfast and sit at the island with Drift and Jamie. As I thought, Drift insists I spend the day just with Lightning and doesn't want to come. Jamie is ignoring the conversation until Lighting changes the subject, talking about Hot Rod.
|"He can't stay in the barn, even if it's heated. This is ignoring the problem," Lightning rages.
Drift, and I watch, both worried Jamie will attack her. She takes her plate and walks out of the kitchen. Cogman is going to be displeased if she's going to the formal dining room.
"Look, I want to get to know her and spend time with her, but if this is how she's going to be, then SHE NEEDS TO GO HOME!!" Lighting takes her plate and goes out the door. I watch her go towards the barn.
"I swear something is insisting we have a long list of scrap to deal with," I rage, "that are challenging to resolve."
I didn't know I was squeezing my glass until it shatters into pieces. Orange juice and 'blood' mixing as it goes down my hand.
"Come on."Drift takes my wrist and leads me up to his room to taking care of my hand.

Drift POV
Crosshairs wants his girls to be friends and hates how this situation is affecting them.
"I don't know what to do," he mumbles. I don't think he wanted me to hear him. Unfortunately, I'm also not sure what we can do.

Lighting walks towards us as Crosshairs, and I leave my room.
"She hurt you?!" Lightning exclaims.
"No, she didn't-," Crosshairs starts, but Lighting rushes down the hall and stairs.

Lightning POV
Guess I see Jamie's true colors. How the frag is Crosshairs friends with her and Drift loves her? How the frag is she even allowed to be on the team?

I find Jamie watching T.V. alone.
"YOU HURT HIM!!" I yell as I pick her up by her shirt.
"I haven't seen Hot Rod in-."
Jamie's expression turns to horror before I drop her on the floor and kick her in the gut.I see Jamie came in here to eat breakfast.
Should have used a butter knife, then I wouldn't be able to do this.
"No, don't!" Crosshairs yells as I stab Jamie in the abdomen; I feel pleased to hear her cry in pain. Crosshairs stops me before I can push the knife in deep as Hot Rod did. Crosshairs picks me up bridal style and carries me out of the room.

Hot Rod POV
I'm giving in and going to the house. Jamie shouldn't be watching T.V.. I use the pool room entrance and use the hallway that connects to the living room and Drift's meditation room. I should see Jamie before she sees me, but I didn't expect to open the door to a horrific situation.I run up to Drift before I see someone stabbed Jamie... unless.....
"Help me," Drift says before grabbing the paper towels on the counter. What worries me is this isn't as I did to Crosshairs, but Jamie is slowly becoming unresponsive.

Tessa POV
I don't know why Shane insists we come back now until we walk into the living room.
"Thank you," I whisper, smiling before going to find my dad.

Shane POV
This is not why I wanted us to come here, Tessa. Who the hell would hurt Jamie like this? No way Hot Rod would if he thought Jamie would attack. Also, I doubt he'd return to the scene, worried.I stand close to the scene, ready to help. I don't think Drift and Hot Rod know I'm here as I watch Drift. Seriously, what force in the universe thinks they need to deal with a ton of shit?

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