Ch. 47

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Crosshairs POV
I hate seeing both my girls crying. One overwhelmed with fear we're all in danger and the other hating what she's the one to cause the fear. Rangeblade looks at me and the other way to leave the room, uncertain if she should leave, but she decides to leave. I want to stop her, but I have to focus on Lightning. With no way to help with this situation, Hot Rod goes after her. I take Lightning out of the room and have her sit on the stairs.

"Shall I hold off on lunch?" Cogman asks.
"You mind letting Lightning help?"
"No, Crosshairs, then she won't eat."
"May I suggest making her favorite snack first?" Cogman suggests, "at least then she's eating, and we don't have to worry about her refusing to eat."
I'm going to talk to Drift about this. I tell Cogman what to make before taking Lightning to her room.

"You know what? I think you need a framed copy of my Photoshop work," I tell her.
"Why? So it can remind me I ruined the chances for you to get what you want?"
"No, to remind you, it's possible to get what we want. It's like me and not trusting humans. Jamie and her two friends are like hybrids, a long story for another time. Anyway, here we are, living with Cade and Vivian. It's going to take time."
"I can't believe you're ok with Jamie being in so much pain as she panics."
"It's that, or wait until she's fully healed and let her fight you. Then she'd hurt you worse than her injuries."
I can tell this adds to her guilt, failing to realize I would have loved both her and Jamie the same. 
We watch Optimus carry Jamie to Drift's room, with Drift following him, not looking pleased.
"Go make sure she's ok," Lightning insists.

It turns out Jamie cried herself to sleep.
Drift hates how upset Jamie got. He's not sure about my suggestion either, but what else can we do?
"It would help her pain and keep her relaxed," I argue.
"I-I don't know..."
I know he wants the two girls to be friends but worries about how Jamie responded today. He's really uncertain about our next move after today, distracted, knowing Jamie will wake up from a nightmare. These are so bad, and we are uncertain what we can do to make them stop.
"That's the best we can do for now, Drift," Optimus says, "I don't know how else we can show Jamie Lightning won't hurt her while keeping both femmes safe."
I tell Optimus my other idea. He agrees the worst that'll happen is Jamie will refuse to eat what Lightning makes.

Lightning insists I stay in Drift's room until Jamie wakes up. I don't know if I like she kept coming in to check on Jamie or not. I don't want her seeing Jamie frightened. She wants to help when Jamie wakes up frightened, but I don't think it's a good idea. I hate hearing Jamie cry like this. My friend, who's a warrior, who's faced so much terrified after what my sister did. One of the worst things to happen.

Drift POV
I don't know what to do. We can't use relaxants and sedation drugs for long. I hate the terrified expressions Jamie has.
"Stop, we're safe. Do you remember fighting in battle with Lightning before?"
I don't know if this will help, but I have to try something. I don't know if this worked, but Jamie is calm.
"You know I'd have a problem if Lightning wants to hurt you again or any of us?" Crosshairs asks, "I hate I couldn't stop her."
I know Lightning hears this. Crosshairs takes Jamie and hugs her close. She's not in the right mindset to be told all Crosshairs wants is for her and Lightning to be close. Optimus leaves the room, and I notice Lightning left already.

Optimus POV
"So, what's the plan?" Cade asks.
"For now, I want to get Jamie to not be afraid of Lightning," I explain, "I'm hoping that'll stop the nightmares from happening. Then trust-building as planned."
"That's not like her," Cade sighs.
"No, but she believes we are all in danger."
"I feel bad for Crosshairs. Couldn't have a nice reunion with his sister, and to have had watched his sister try to kill his friend..."
And he watched Drift fall into a depression and try to end his life twice.
"I don't want to do another surgery," Hound says as he joins the conversation, "I know she's in pain, but I worry about her body handling another surgery, even if she seems strong enough."
I tell Cade and Hound the plan Crosshairs told me. It's hard to know what to do; hard to believe the distrust among the team.

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