Sleepover Pt. 7: Finally Getting Help

Start from the beginning

'This coming from the girl who lied to them for two months until her pops finally coerced it out of her.' My brain snarkily retorted, but I rolled my eyes and did my best to ignore it.

I was hesitant to agree, but nodded anyway, trusting Theo knew what he was doing. "Understood." I replied shortly.

"Now that that's sorted out, you need a safe place to stay other than your house since that one obviously compromised." Theo pointed out and my thoughts immediately went to my family's home outside of the city. "You want to stay with me?" He inquired and before I could decline, it would seem that John beat me to it.

"Nope. She's going to be staying with us, her friends." He announced coolly as he squeezed my waist. He then quietly apologized when I let out a small yelp of surprise. "Thank you, officer." 

He was way too smug for my liking.

'That son of a-'

"O-oh!" Theo stuttered from over the line sounding very shocked that the guys were in the room with me.

I bit my cheek to stop myself from laughing, though I did nothing to hide the grin on my face.

'Poor dude.'

I hit John's arm silently, but he ignored my hostility and instead chose to squeeze my waist again.

"W-well, o-okay." Theo paused awkwardly and I glared at John since he was the cause of it. 

John simply grinned at me proudly, making me roll my eyes and stick my tongue out at him childishly.

"Hey, Grace?" Theo spoke up after a minute of silence. I hummed in response. "You have a race on Monday, right?" Theo asked and I tilted my head to the side.

"At the Devil's Dick?" I questioned innocently.

Yes. That is the name of the racecourse. 

I shit you not. My friend Scarlett laughed her ass off when she saw my reaction to hearing the name for the first time.

And the minute those words left my mouth, John busted out laughing uncontrollably and I had to smack him to get him to quiet down.

"The what?" He asked, flabbergasted, and I simply ignored him as Theo let out a bark of laughter.

"Yeah, exactly." Theo replied and I could hear the grin in his voice, causing me to grin myself.

"Then, yes." I snorted, unable to hold it back any further.

"Well, why don't you go to get your mind off of things?" Theo suggested hopefully and I shrugged, not really averse to the idea since I was going to do it anyway.

"I was planning to, Theo. Thanks." I responded with a small smile on my face, knowing his cheeks were probably as red as an apple.

"Okay...well I've got to get back to work. A Police Chief's work is never done." Theo muttered dejectedly and I let out a laugh at the sad note in his voice, but internally, I was groaning because I knew Theo was legitimately disappointed.

'God. Fucking. Dammit. John.'

"Okay, Theo. Later." I replied, smiling softly.

"Bye Officer Theo." John blurted mockingly and ended the call before either Theo or I could respond. He then leaned back, with his arms still on my waist, and smiled at me lazily.

"About damn time he shut up." John muttered smugly and my jaw dropped.

'This son of a-'

My shocked expression then turned into a glare. "What the hell was that, John?" I asked angrily and he shrugged nonchalantly as he ran his thumb across my waist, making butterflies appear in my stomach.

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