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Days went by while I was still on bed rest. I am healing better than expected.
These past few days have been bliss to be completely honest. Only a hand full of people know that Russia and I became mates and no one was bugging us about it. Russia has been spending most of his days with me, but when he's away doing something, the pain gets worse and when he comes back it gets better.

Russia peered over my shoulder. His arms were wrapped around me and he held a book written in a language that I couldn't understand. He said that it was a book about mates and markings and how it affects of kinds of countries differently.
What will happen after I heal? Will he become distant while he goes back to his duties?
I put a hand on my mate's arm. Will I be tossed aside after he realizes that he doesn't want to protect me anymore? I sighed and leaned into his chest.
Russia put his book aside.
"What's on your mind, Stars?"
His breath tickled my neck.
"I. Um." I took in a deep breath

"What will happen after I heal?" Russia rested his head on my shoulder and gave my body a tight squeeze. I noticed that Russia is a lot bolder in his acts of affection and not as timid as he once was, but he never made me feel uncomfortable, just...blushy.
"You could move into an empty house, or my house once your well enough to get out of here. Um. We won't have as much time together as we do now. You can start hunting and participating in the pack's actives," he states. I nodded.
"But what will happen to this?" I held his arms that were wrapped around me.
"Whatever you want it to become." The tall alpha kissed my cheek before sliding me off his body so my back was on the bed and he was slightly hovering over me with a grin plastered on his face.

The memories of corrupted surgeons and doctors standing over me with a sickening smile before cutting into my flesh, breaking my bones, pouring salt on a newly opened wound. Sometimes they'd put me to sleep before operating, but sometimes they just wanted to see my reaction when they cut into me to release their pent-up anger and frustration.
Not every time I was on that operating table was for an operation, sometimes it was used for torture.

Fear swept over me as Russia's face was replaced with a past surgeon's face. The one that abused every weakness he could find.
"Please don't," I whimpered.
Tears flowed from my eyes as I stared deeper into the other male's face. I closed my eyes tightly.

"Hey, hey, it's okay."
A hand stoked away the tears I opened up my eyes to find the gaze of my concerned mate. I quickly wrapped my arms around his shoulders and pulled him in a tight hug.


I'm sorry for the short update again, but I found out that I have a weird eye/tear duct problem that I might need surgery to fix, so yeah, it's hard reading and writing when it feels like 1000 needles are being shoved in your eyesocket.

I won't be posting next week, because of exams (back to back) and a bunch of personal stuff.
My life does not pass the vibe check.

Have a hot coco asap

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