"What is she doing back here?" The black haired boy, John, snarls. I roll my eyes at him.

'Wow. I'm so intimidated.'

"It turns out the situation is a lot worse than we thought." Ben states, nervousness lacing his voice. For some odd reason, I wanted to hold his hand.

'Yeah fuck that shit.'

Instead of holding his hand, I gently rub his wrist absentmindedly.

'What the fuck am I doing?' I ask myself silently, trying to find the will to stop.

I don't.

Fuck. Me.

"How can this be any worse than it actually is?" Ben's brother Grayson pipes up snarkily and I want to punch him solely because of his tone.

"Bertinelli knows that Grace races." Ben replies solemnly. 

That caught everyone's attention real quick.

"Is this true?" Grace asks me, her accent seeming to get thicker and more prominent as her face pales evermore.

I nod.

"My dad called me a couple of weeks ago, probably shit-faced drunk, and he rambled on about Grace and a race that he knew she was going to race in." I tell her while biting my nails out of nervous habit. Grace's eyes widen when she digests what I just told her.

"You didn't know?" I question, surprised.

'How could they not know?' 

Grace shakes her head.

"Not at all." She murmurs. I shake my head, confused.

"How is that possible?" I ask incredulously and then it was everyone's turn to look at me confusedly. "My father had eyes all over that place." I state and Grace looks taken aback. "He specifically told me that he was going to send two of his best in."

"Those men that tried to kill me." Grace whispers, her eyes glazing over. I see John squeeze her hand from under the table and a part of me wants to coo over their couple goals.

'You know, they'd be a cute couple if John wasn't so much of a dick.'

"How can we believe that this isn't a ploy that's being used to make us paranoid?" John hisses at me and I roll my eyes once more.

'Example A.'

"Chill, Abercrombie." John glares at my nickname, but I continue before he can say anything even stupider than he's already said. "My father might be hella smart, but he isn't capable of thinking that far into the future." 

No one looks convinced.

"How can we trust that you're telling the truth?" Grayson, who I've decided to dub Gray the Douche, piped up.

What? He annoys me.

I snort at Gray the Douche's remark.

"I'm not telling you to trust me." I then pause and scoff. "Hell. I regret telling you dumbasses any of this." I murmur.

Sadly, John hears me. "Regret?" He asks with an arched eyebrow and I nod.

"Yes, regret. Me telling you this puts me in a shitload of more trouble than I'm already in." I inform with a grimace.

'Dad would kill me if he knew that I was telling them anything.'

"You did this to yourself." John hisses and I spread my arms out in exasperation.

"I didn't ask to have a psycho father." I hiss back. His eyes widen at my declaration and I refrain from flipping him off. "And I didn't ask for any of this shit." I add with a sigh.

"My father was first arrested when I was eight." I begin as I hang my head low. "He was then arrested a second time for murdering a DA who put him in the slammer." I shake my head then scoff.

"I was angry because I was naïve enough to think my father was framed. And I took that out on Grace." I then lift my head up to look John square in the eye.

"Was it right?" I ask rhetorically. "No. But it was the only way to deal with everything that happened." I then rip my arm from Ben's hold and shake it as I look at Grace who has an impassive look on her face.

"I'm sorry for everything my family has done to you." I say truthfully, then shrug. "And whether you believe me or not, it's up to you." I then begin to walk away from the cafeteria. 

As I walk away, I shout, "But I suggest you consider the possibility that I want to lock away that bastard who helped give me life, just as much as you." 

And with that, I walk away from the area.

My heart is hurting as I force myself to admit what he is.

My father is a monster.

'So what does that make me?'

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