I stared at the clock for a few minutes before forcing myself to get up from my comfy bed. Sitting myself down on the wheelchair, I pushed myself to the kitchen, feeling slightly disappointed when Jungkook wasn't there.

"I thought he wanted to stay with me. He must be busy,"
I said out loud, following with a sigh.

Confusion entered the chat when I saw a few lunch container sitting on the kitchen counter with my towel on top of it. I don't recall putting them there.

I wheeled myself to the kitchen counter, finding some sticky notes on each containers.

'This is for breakfast'
I opened the first lunchbox, revealing some pancakes. The delicious smell of pancakes roamed in my nostrils, causing me to smile.

'For lunch'
There were different kind of side dishes with some rice in the second bento lunch box. There were even spicy rice cakes in it.

Who made all these? Is it for me? I continued with the third container. It had two notes on the cover.

I can't believe this person cooked my favourite stir-fried noodle with some spicy tofu stew packed in a stainless steel lunch box soup holder.

Feeling curious, I picked up the last note and grinned widely when I saw a funny handwriting.

'Here's your towel, don't worry, I washed it :D I'll be busy doing idol stuff for the whole day today :( so, I made these in the morning and brought it over to your place. Eat it while it's hot and put your lunch and dinner box in the fridge, remember to heat it up before eating. Don't skip your meals and take care of your ankle :)'


I knew I told myself that I wouldn't be attached to him, but I feel like cheating. I want to take back my words after seeing what he did for me. It was heartwarming to know that someone cares for me.

At the same time, I was mad. Why would he do these for me? Why must he confuse me?

I can't hold myself back if I start to develop feelings for him. As cringy as it sounds, I feel like I like him. Not as a little childhood friend, but as a man.

It would be safe for him to do these things for me if we were still kids, but it's dangerous now since the both of us were adults.

However, what would he see in me? I am just an average girl, trying to survive in this cruel world while he is a worldwide famous idol, rich, tall, handsome, every girl's dream boy.

Even if I have feelings for him, he'll never return it and only see me as a sister.


I shrugged off my thoughts and decided to call Jungkook to thank him. Fortunately, he answered after a few rings.

Jungkook's POV
"Gguk, be quick, the host is coming soon."
I nodded at Namjoon then hurried out of the room to take the call.

As always, a smile crept its way upon my lips when her voice was heard on the line.

"Yes? Have you eaten your breakfast?"

"I'm eating now, thanks. Did you make all those food by yourself?"

"Of course, I did. Why? Is it bad?"

"No! Not at all. It's really good. How long did it take you to pack three meals for me?"

"I woke up at 4 and started cooking. Don't worry, just eat. I need to go soon, peanut."

"J-Jungkook, stop being so nice to me."
I froze when her voice cracked, feeling a little anxious.

"Why? Did I do something wrong?"

"No, you didn't. You're confusing me—"

A voice interuped Y/N, I kept on a polite smile when one of the crew member told me to go back inside.

"Y/N, we'll talk about this later, okay? I really need to go now. Can we talk tonight?"

I heard her sighing. She must be really upset, but what did I do though?

"Okay, go."

To Be Continued

i was busy watching mama i forgot to update forgive me but our boys were so awesome TTTTTTTTT and i miss yoongi :(

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