Chapter 38: Y/N vs Mizuna: Round 2

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You were now on your way back to the arena after a rather strange encounter with Cinder and her allies from other worlds

You along with Mori and Kirishima were now all walking back to the arena as you all talked amongst each each other

Kirishima: So that big guy really broke your arm...?

Y/N: Yeah, one hit was all it took...

Mori: I don't know how that triangle guy held me down, what did he even do...?

Y/N: He increased the gravity, I didn't feel anything, and Cinder seemed fine, so I assumed that it was only for the two of you.


Everyone was still on the sidelines, everyone had felt the shaking of when you transformed into your Omni God form, but only a few were 100% certain that it was you

Kiba: What was all of that shaking about...?

Yang: Probably Y/N, he looked pretty angry seeing the way Mizuna fought.

Tokoyami: Speaking of...

Everyone then tuned in to see Mizuna in the ring, waiting for you to arrive as he smashed his fist into his palm

Mizuna: Alright! Where's he at?! I'm gonna pound him into the ground so hard he'll be crying to his girlfriend!

???: Sorry to keep you waiting...

Mizuna then looked straight ahead to see you walk into the ring, everyone looking to notice that you still seemed rather pissed off

Koneko: There he is.

Midoriya: Good, let's see Y/N beat him!

Yang: C'mon, Y/N! You can do it!

With that the counter started to go down once again as you and Mizuna were still staring each other down, with Mizuna having a cocky grin on his face

Mizuna: Well Well...I wasn't expecting you to actually show up, especially after the last time I kicked your ass...

Y/N: Please, I was smacking you around through most of that fight and you know it.

Announcer: This is the Final Round Folks! Now it's Y/N vs Mizuna! And to make things more exciting, the Ring Out rule shall be lifted for this final match, Let the fight, BEGIN!!

Ready? FIGHT!!

The buzzer then went off as Mizuna wasted no time in rushing towards you, you didn't seem very concerned as you then blocked a punch from him

Mizuna began to unleash a series of punches towards you as you blocked each one by crossing your arms together, as you defended yourself from his attacks, you suddenly heard a voice speak in your mind

Super Shenron: Y/N, I know that you wish to beat Mizuna, but you mustn't transform into your Omni God form at all costs.

Y/N: What!? Why?!

Super Shenron: Because you almost summoned "Him" by doing so earlier, if you do it again you'll likely awaken him and lure him towards all of these citizens.

Y/N: Dammit...fine! I won't go Omni God...

With that you suddenly delivered a heavy kick to Mizuna's stomach as he went skidding across the ring, all while keeping a straight face

Akeno: Y/N seems to be taking this fight really seriously...

Vegeta: Of course, After what happened during their last match, Y/N losing simply because he let his guard down, he must be very angry inside...

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