Chapter 129: The Shining Emperor

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Silent gusts of wind could be heard as Lotus and Kasai faced Korizen alone. Granted, Midoriya and the others were on the battlefield. But none of them were near ready to take on a foe such as Korizen. And it's likely they never will be.

Just his essence alone was enough to add pressure to both Lotus and Kasai as they started to sweat in nervousness. An opponent even more powerful than Ark. a being who they could only imagine in their Nightmares.

Lotus: So...It's finally come down to this...

Kasai: It appears so...his energy is greater than anything I've ever sensed's almost as if his energy is getting in my lungs and is giving me trouble breathing...

Korizen: I am not here for you two. Step aside. I have business with The Celestial King.

Lotus: Sorry, but we can't let you do that.

Kasai: If you want to get to Y/N, you gotta get past us first.

Korizen: Hm. An easy task.

Lotus: Don't underestimate us!!

With that The two Saiyans powered up to their respective modes. Lotus tapping into Gatekeeper Mode, and Kasai tapping into Shin Dragon Mode.

Ruby: They really did get their powers back!!

Kasai: Everyone, you need to leave this place, now.

Kirishima: Are you crazy?! This guy is stronger than Ark! You'll need all the help you can get!!

Lotus: He's right. You'd only be throwing your lives away. Get Y/N to safety. We'll hold him off for as long as we possibly can.

Ruby: We can't just leave you here—

Both: GO NOW.

Both of the Saiyans' auras flashed greatly as they formed a combined crater around them. It wasn't long before Korizen's eyes started to glisten crimson.

They didn't know if it was fear, understanding, or both. But everybody besides Lotus and Kasai then started to take their leave.

The other students in the distance knew the situation, and followed their lead. All of them running away...but they didn't get very far.

Korizen: No.

One glare was all it took before a large chain of explosions went off in front of the large crowd of students. Stopping them in their tracks as Korizen spoke.

Korizen: I have made my decision. I've let you get away enough times. You have all been disturbing the balance of this world from the moment you stepped into this reality. Therefore ALL of you shall pay the price.

Lotus and Kasai gritted their teeth as everybody in the distance started to quiver with fear. Yang carrying you in her arms as she then looked down to you.

Lotus: There's only one way to go. Are you ready?

Kasai: I'm as ready as I'll ever be...

With that both Lotus and Kasai leaped into the sky as Korizen chased after them. Everybody watching as Yang looked at you with concern.

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