Chapter 92: Clash of The Academies

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Midoriya had been roaming aimlessly around the planet for several hours now. He didn't quite know what to do at this point.

There hasn't been any signs of opposing students for awhile and he was starting to think that his team had cleared out most of them.

Midoriya: I wonder how the others are doing right now.

The boy then heard the sound of something open behind him as he quickly turned around expecting a threat, however all he saw was a familiar looking portal to which someone spoke from it.

???: Midoriya, is that you?

Midoriya: That voice...Lotus!

Lotus: Yeah, it's me! We've gotta hurry! Y/N and Akko are in trouble!

Midoriya: I knew they would survive!

Lotus: As happy as I wanna be to see a familiar face we don't have much time! Jump through my portal and it'll take you to Akko's location!

Midoriya: Right!

With that Midoriya took a step into Lotus' portal before he fell right into it. It was bold of him to assume that there would be solid ground on the other side.



Akko: EEK!!

Akko was currently trying her best to not die as she had four powerful students chasing her at the same time. Ducking and avoiding Ichigo's attack which sliced everything in front of her clean in two.

She was scared for more than just her life, but for her dome as it was almost sliced off in an instant. Suddenly Ryuko came from around the corner and tried taking another slice at her with her scissor blades.

Akko being trained by you of course had the speed and agility to dodge these kinds of attacks, and she did just that.


The witch then noticed Gon headed right for her and was about to slug her right in the face. Akko not expecting this, it was too late for her to dodge at this point as she clenched her eyes shut and braced for impact.


Gon suddenly received a powerful kick right to the top of his head by Midoriya as Akko gasped in shock. Gon smashing into the ground as a large crater formed and knocked everyone off balance.

Midoriya: Don't worry! I am here!

Akko: Deku!! Oh thank god!!

Y/N (In the distance): You're Welcome!!

Ichigo: Gon! You alright?!

Gon then went in and tried to punch Midoriya who leaped out of the way and slid across the ground. Gon slowly getting up with blood pouring down his head.

Gon: I've felt worse, I'll be fine...!!

Ryuko: You don't look so good! Have a break!

Gon: There are no a real fight!

???: Yo, Midoriya!! Akko!!

Both Midoriya and Akko both looked up to be greeted by Issei and Ruby who had entered the scene from the skies. Akko was now ready to cry tears of happiness from how much she had just been saved.

Midoriya: Issei! Ruby! I'm assuming that Lotus brought you guys here?

Issei: You bet, man! And now that we're here, let's floor these dudes!

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