Chapter 134: Erased

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Darkness. Nothing but Darkness. It completely surrounded you as you felt nothing but emptiness. Floating in an infinite void of nothing.

You didn't even have the strength to move. There was no shine of life in your eyes, you weren't making a single sound, and you were all alone.

Y/N: ...

Korizen: How Curious.

It was then revealed that Korizen was floating behind you with his arms crossed. The two of you seemed to be all that were left.


Korizen: You are clearly not strong enough to challenge me. So just like your past incarnations, I chose to erase you completely from existence. Along with all of the Second Reality.

There was a short silence after that. You didn't even know what to say. In the blink of an eye, you had lost everything.

Korizen: But you're still here...

Y/N: ...?

Korizen: You're still existing. It seems like my Erasure did not work on you.

Y/N: Super there...? We're you behind this...?

Super Shenron: I was not. Not even I know how you survived.

Y/N: Hm...I...I can't even give you an actual answer...

Korizen: You don't know. I must say, you've truly taken your first incarnation's habits. He was the first and only being capable of resisting my erasure. And that makes you the second.

You were flooding with all kinds of emotions. You were relieved, scared, confused, sad, and angry all at the same time.

Korizen: Well...That doesn't change the fact that you can no longer oppose me. That means you must perish. And this time I'll make sure you stay gone...

Korizen then raised his hand as you remained motionless. You along with the palm of Korizen's hand started to glow white as The Shining Emperor was ready to purge your life for good.

Y/N: I...Hate...You...

Korizen: I do I...

With that, you could feel your body slowly turning into nothing. Deciding to accept your fate, you simply closed your eyes and took one last sigh.

Y/N: I never would have guessed that it would end this way...Yang...Kirishima...Amanda...Midoriya...Issei...Ruby...Akko...Goku...Vegeta...Lotus...Kasai...S/N...they're all gone...and it's because I wasn't strong enough...I'm...I'm sorry that I couldn't protect you when you needed me the most...

Suddenly the Omni Marks quickly flashed on your body. Your fists clenching with rage and frustration as you growled.

Tears could be seen leaking from your eyes, slowly flowing down your cheeks and dripping off of your chin as your chin struggled to stay still.

Y/N: I spent so much time trying to avoid being the strongest...but I forgot my own matter how strong you are...there will always be someone stronger...and Korizen is the Ultimate example of that...if only I trained harder!!

Your Omni Marks then flashed into your body again before disappearing. Your energy was starting to sky rocket as Korizen was quick to notice this.

Your fists started to clench even harder than before. Even trembling from the amount of pressure you were putting on your hands.

Your hair slowly started to turn white, the Limiter symbol slowly appearing on your head as you gritted your teeth.

Y/N: NO! It's not over yet!! So long as I can still breathe...I won't stop fighting!! Even if they're gone, I won't stop fighting for them!!

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