Chapter 101: Adapting To a Bigger Community

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Ashido and the others had started planning the parade whereas you were outside. Minding your own business as you took a quick sigh and walked around campus.

Y/N: So many people lost for such a little's just not fair...

Super Shenron: That's just how it is, Y/N. You need to remember that not everyone is created equal. That includes Status. Not everybody is as special as you are.

Y/N: How can you say that...? Sure almost nobody here is as strong as I am, but everybody's special in their own way!

Super Shenron: I don't believe I follow.

Y/N: Y'Know for an All-knowing Divine Dragon you sure know little about Mortals. Just look at the people passing by...

You then looked over and watched as Momo, Diana, Rias, and Weiss were all walking together. Simply discussing things about school and what not.

Y/N: You see those girls over there? All of them are probably ten times starter than I am. They probably have an A+ in math. I couldn't even get a B in English.

Super Shenron: Hm...?

Y/N: While I'm monstrously powerful, decked out with a large arsenal of abilities and techniques, and have plenty of fighting experience to top it all off, I actually suck at most things that somebody would do in their everyday lives.

Super Shenron: Things like what...?

Y/N: I tried cooking, nearly blew the house up. Tried to get a job. Got fired the first day. Bulma got me into the police department, I'm no longer allowed in a certain city...there's a looooong list.

Super Shenron: But I fail to see how those prove to be useful.

Y/N: You still don't understand? We're free. I can go and grab a bite right now if I wanted to. What does The Grand Priest do? Sit around all day at the Omni King's Palace. Despite the fact that Gods and Dragons can roam the universe with ease, Mortals still have more freedom. We get to grow and experience the little things in life. Not everybody can say that.

Super Shenron went completely silent. Usually that meant that he was defeated in an argument. This happens a lot more often than one would think.

Y/N: Well I guess that's that.

Momo: Hey, is that Y/N over there?

Weiss: What's he doing out here by himself...? Usually he's with the other Saiyans or with Kirishima.

Rias: Why don't we go over and greet him?

Diana: I guess that would be best.

Y/N: Wait a second why was the one Zeno there during the fight against Ark when TWO of them exist in the same timeline?!

You looked like you were about to have an existential crisis when you then headed several voices call out to you.

Weiss: Hi, Y/N!

Y/N: Huh? Weiss?

Weiss: Mhm, We saw you standing by yourself and wanted to see if you were okay.

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