Chapter 62: The Gatekeeper

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After your display of Kaioken times twenty one top of your Omni Form, they were under the assumption that the battle was over, but clearly, that was far from the case

After your display of Kaioken times twenty one top of your Omni Form, they were under the assumption that the battle was over, but clearly, that was far from the case

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Lotus: What do you think, Y/N? I was able to reach this level thanks to you...

Y/N: What's that...?! Is it some sort of variant of The Omni God Form...?!

Lotus: I wish I knew, but I do know that this is very different from what we're used to, I can feel their energy within mine...our friends from different worlds, and everything around us...Midoriya, Issei, Ruby, Akko, even ones like Luffy and Naruto, I can feel them all, their energy is my energy, and my energy is theirs...and yes...I can even feel your energy, Y/N.

Y/N: Heh...Well, how about we quit the chit chat and get back to our fight!! I wanna see what this new power of yours can do!

Lotus: Very Well, but I must warn you, there's no shame in backing down now...

Listening to Lotus' advice, you smirked and got into a fighting stance while facing him

Y/N: You'll see me doing taxes before I run away from a challenge!!

Lotus looked you in the eye for what seemed like hours, he then closed his eyes and looked slightly down with his arms crossed

Lotus: Fine...But don't blame me for what happens next...

Lotus then started to glare towards you as he kept his arms crossed, slightly widening his eyes as a shockwave was sent your way at high speeds, even in Omni Form with Kaioken, you were hardly able to dodge it as the attack completely shattered a nearby planet, not even leaving a spec behind

It was here when a portal opened up right next to you, the only thing you felt was confusion when it suddenly glowed for a short moment, firing a small beam of energy at you

While the beam itself was small, it's power was not, one shot was all it took to pierce through your arm as you screamed while the expected rush of pain flowed through your arm

Now with a hole in your arm, Six more portals then appeared all around you not even seconds after as you were forced to fly straight down to avoid them, however, they all went straight down as well

Y/N: Shit...!!

Flying to the side, as expected they all followed as well, Lotus simply watching from a distance as he scoffed and frowned

Meanwhile in the distance, Kalasha and the other students watched in shock as your battle continued

Issei: Okay, what the hell am I watching...?!

Midoriya: He's got Y/N on the run...!!

Ruby: Geez, I guess we ruled Lotus out too quick...

Kalasha: The Gatekeeper...

The Next Generation: Rising Warriors! (BNHA X DxD x RWBY X Male Saiyan Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora