Chapter 117: Act 3: Rainbow Six Siege

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It was now the third day. Issei having to deal with some bullying from Kasai and Maquist after he pissed himself yesterday from playing a horror map.

However today was a new day. The third game would be Rainbow Six Siege like the announcer had stated the day prior.

A LOT of the guys played this game. The only ones who didn't were those who didn't like shooting games like Midoriya who was more of a casual gamer, or those who simply weren't very good at the game, like Jaune who was more of a fighting game kinda guy.

The rest of you however played the hell out of this game. Almost every night hopping on with the bois and playing for hours.

In terms of what Operators you played, you played everybody. You never want to get to too attached to a single operator.

Kirishima: What do you say, Y/N? You up for a challenge?

Y/N: I dunno...I haven't played in a couple of years...

Kirishima: Oh I'm sure you'll be fine.

Intercom: Greetings once again, everybody! Welcome back! Tonight we'll be getting into a more competitive experience! You all know it, RAINBOW SIX SIEGE!

The crowd started to cheer, but you were certain that most of the guy students were cheering louder.

Intercom: Just like last time, we shall limit the games to a single round for the sake of everyone getting a chance to play! Here are our first teams!

- Lotus (Amaru)
- Maquist (Capitao)
- Issei (Maverick)
- Mineta (Blitz)
- Bakugo (Flores)
- Y/N (Oryx)
- Kasai (Caveira)
- Yang (Aruni)
- Ruby (Castle)
- Ryuko (Mira)

Time Skip

Gamemode: Secure
Map: House

Everybody had just been warped to the site. The defenders spawning in their designated area for the Objective whereas the attackers were in their drone phase.

The Biohazard Container was located by the upper hallway as it sat at the end of the bed in the middle of the room

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The Biohazard Container was located by the upper hallway as it sat at the end of the bed in the middle of the room.

Y/N: Alright. We're doing this. Yang and Ruby, help me reinforce some of these walls. Kasai and Ryuko can take care of the drones.

Yang: Gotcha!

With that all of you got to work. With not even a minute to reinforce the walls and place anything. Eventually the place had been fully patched up and ready for an attack.

Kasai: Y/N you should make a hole right here!

Y/N: Got it!

You then used your ability to bash your way through a wall and make a hole in the wall so that people would be able to leave the objective room.

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