Chapter 49: Date With Sucy

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Lotte: W-When did you two start dating...?!

Sucy: I asked him out at the festival.

Amanda: Never thought that Sucy would be interested in somebody...

Lotte: So do you know where you two are going...?

Sucy: I want to take him to a city I saw on our way here, maybe there's a cafe or something.


You were currently getting ready for a date with Sucy was you still had no idea what you were doing, you weren't even dressed in a new outfit our anything, it was simply what you always wore

Kirishima: A date, Huh?

Yang: Actual Dates never crossed my mind...we should do that too, Y/N.

Y/N: Well, Maybe. Depends on how this goes, I haven't done anything like this in my entire life.

Kirishima: So you haven't had any experience with Girls before you met us?

Y/N: Nope, never really bothered. In all honesty when I started dating Yang, I had doubts, but now I'm certain, I love you, Yang. Always will.

Yang: Aww, I love you too~

Y/N: Yeah, we've even started our own little family with our very own Son. We've come far haven't we?

Yang: We certainly have.

Y/N: Anyway, I'm off. I'll be back soon.

Yang: Okay, don't have too much fun~

Y/N: No Promises, See ya.

With that you walked out the door leaving Yang in a better mood, and Kirishima was simply proud of his bro

Kirishima: Y/N is such a player, but he plays the game fair!

Time Skip

You were now on your way to see meet up with Sucy at the front of the academy, you were a little nervous, but it couldn't be a harder task than facing Ark, right?

Y/N: Hmm...she should be here any second now...

???: Sorry to keep you waiting.

Looking to the left, you spotted Sucy walking towards you with a casual outfit on, it was an unusual change since you hadn't ever seen her in anything outside of her witch uniform

Her outfit overall consisted of a long sleeve T-Shirt, a black necklace around her neck, a pair of slightly ripped jeans, and some simple black shoes

Her outfit overall consisted of a long sleeve T-Shirt, a black necklace around her neck, a pair of slightly ripped jeans, and some simple black shoes

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Sucy: How do I look...?

Y/N: You actually look pretty nice!

Sucy: You think so...?

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