Chapter 103: Another Road Trip with the Guys

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You were now walking around aimlessly on campus after dealing with a powerful celestial Angel. Of course it didn't push you to full power, but to make you use Ultra Instinct is a feat in itself.

After some healing from Asia you were back in shape. It's been a few days and the parade was scheduled for tomorrow night.

You also had S/N not kn your arms, but resting on the top of your heads using your soft hair for sleeping purposes. If Yang saw you carrying him like this she'd probably send you to the moon. He was very quiet today. It was rare to see him like this, but perfectly normal.

As you kept walking, you were just passing by Kalasha and some of the other teachers discussing something next to a large vehicle that would probably be able to fit 10 students at least.

And as you passed them they just so happened to notice you. You were kinda hoping for a more chill day, but you couldn't really complain since you've been being lazy these past couple of days.

Kalasha: Y/N, Your timing couldn't be better.

Y/N: You called? What's up?

Kalasha: Well, Ashido said that the parade would take place tomorrow night. She wanted to make food for any spectators to eat, but our chefs are currently on break and we're out of ingredients.

Y/N: So you want me to go and fetch some or something...?

Kalasha: Exactly.

Y/N: Okay. I'll be back before you know it.

With that you were about to take off via flight when Kalasha suddenly called out to you and brought you to a halt.

Kalasha: Wait, Y/N. No flying.

Y/N: Huh...?

Kalasha: The Anomaly might still be roaming around somewhere. Flying would give a slight signature of your energy. We can't afford to take that risk here.

Y/N: So how am I gonna get there...?!

Kalasha: You'll have to drive. You've obtained your Driver's license, right?

Y/N: ...Yeah but I haven't actually driven a car or anything like that since...

Kalasha: I'm sorry to do this to you, Y/N. but you must drive to the nearest grocery store and obtain some ingredients for us. Professor Finnelan has a list for you.

Y/N. Oh boy...

Kalasha: I see you have your child with you. Would you like me to watch over him while you're gone?

You then looked up at your baby son sleeping oh so peacefully on your head as you made your choice.

Y/N: No thanks. He can stay with me.

Kalasha: Are you sure...?

Y/N: Mhm. If S/N sees that neither me or Yang are around then he'll start crying. And it's almost impossible to get him to stop. Just ask Kasai.

Kalasha: Very well. It is your child after all.

???: Hey, Y/N!!

You and Kalasha then looked to see Kirishima, Bakugo, Lotus, Kasai, Issei, Midoriya, Frank, and Maquist all in a big group.

Y/N: Hey guys, need something?

Kirishima: Yeah, man! We're all about to play some games and we wanted to know if you wanted to join us!

Glynda: Sorry, Boys. Y/N has an errand to run.

Kirishima: Aw C'mon it's always Y/N! There's plenty of strong guys here that can do whatever you need to do!

The Next Generation: Rising Warriors! (BNHA X DxD x RWBY X Male Saiyan Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora