Chapter 102: Celestial Visitor

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After some munching out with Lotus and Kasai in Maquist's mansion that he managed to build in literally no time flat, you were all watching T.V, with you still eating from a big bowl of popcorn.

Maquist then looked to Kasai and saw that he was having as much of a good time as you and Lotus. He was hesitant but cleared his throat and spoke.

Maquist: So...are we cool...?

Kasai: ...Mostly.

Y/N: Progress.

Lotus: So what the heck are we watching anyway...?

Kasai: These dudes are just throwing each other around and stuff.

Weiss: Is this wrestling or something...?

Kasai: I forgot you were here...

Maquist: Yes it is wrestling.

Y/N: The blows don't look like their actually connecting and sometimes they seem to this scripted or something...?

Maquist: It's not.

Kasai: I dunno, man. Looks like it to me.

Maquist: It's not scripted.

Y/N: Whatever you say. But I feel like it could be better. Something like this!!

You then suddenly grabbed Kasai by his sides and lifted him as you carried him over your head. Kasai himself hadn't even process what had happened when you suddenly chucked him into the air and body slammed him into the floor.


Kaminari, Sero, Kiba, and Jaune were all playing some sort of card game out in the courtyard. With Jaune being in the lead and Kaminari being in last place.

Kaminari: Dammit! How are you so good at this?!

Jaune: I've been playing this since I was a little kid!


The four of them then felt the ground shake violently for a quick moment as the cards went all over the place. All of them going wide eyed as Kaminari went high enough into the air to hit his head when he landed.

Sero: The heck was that...?!

Kiba: Earthquake...?

Back to You

Kasai now found himself planted into the floor on the lowest floor of the mansion. Above him you could see dozens of holes all aligned to where you slammed him through.

Kasai: Haha! That was fun! Do it again!

Y/N: Alright!

Lotus: I want a turn!!

Maquist: No! Don't do that again! It's been almost an hour and you guys are already breaking shit!!

Weiss: This happens a lot, trust me...

Maquist then looked to see that you were about to do the same thing to Lotus on a different part of the floor as Maquist quickly took care of that.

4 Seconds Later

You now found yourself being thrown out the damn window as you hit the ground and rolled across the grassy field. Eventually stopping while laying on your back, looking at the sky.

Y/N: Now that's what wrestling should be like!

Weiss: Y/N, are you okay down there?!

Y/N: Yeah I'm fine. Just went for a ride.

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