Chapter 85: Just Like The Old Days.

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Professor: Are you okay...? You have a certain look in your eyes...

Y/N: Y-Yeah I'll be fine.

Several hours had passed by since you had arrived in the past. You had a good grasp on what time you were at as well.

Considering that the first academy was still around, it was clearly before the fight against the Jiren Powered Buu. However, both Lotus and Kasai were around, so it was after the fight against Karuza.

Currently speaking you had just finished eating whatever the past you had brought for you to snack on. He wanted to fight you really bad and you understood him more than anyone. You were the same person after all.

Y/N: So...Me—I mean, Y/N. Do you consider yourself strong?

Past Y/N: Oh Yeah! I like to think that I am! I've faced with all sorts of foes and I'm still standing!

Y/N: That's what I like to hear.

Past Y/N: Say, I never got your name, care to introduce yourself?

Y/N: U-Uhh...Just call me...N/N! (Nickname)

Past Y/N: N/N, huh? Weird, kinda sounds like my name.

Y/N: It's a big universe. People are bound to have similar or even the same name, right? Anyway, you ready for that fight?

Past Y/N: Hell Yeah! Let's go!

Y/N: Alright, but before you do, make sure to bring your other friends. The two Saiyans I mean.

Past Y/N: You must be talking about Lotus and Kasai! Yeah they'd probably be happy to fight too! Meet us at the front of the building!

Y/N: Yeah, sure thing!

With that you waved him off while watching yourself scurry off to find your friends. All of this was still so confusing and so difficult

Y/N: It's so hard to not just say their names...!

Time Skip

Your past self was now running out into a nearby field along with Lotus and Kasai from the past as they all began to wonder what you were capable of

Past Lotus: This guy has to be strong! He has the battle scars and everything on his face!

Past Kasai: Yeah, Also his hair looks a lot like yours, Y/N!

Past Y/N: Does it? I never noticed.

Past Kasai: Hmm...

Past Lotus: Hey, Look!

The three Saiyans leered into the distance and gazed upon something that wanted to make all of them laugh their asses off. It was you, pinning the Past version of Issei down to the ground with the end of your Tail and nothing else

Y/N: I already told you I don't wanna take your "Harem King" title. Now leave me alone!

Past Issei: You're the one who has me pinned down!!


From your shouting alone the entire planet seemed to shake for a moment. You forgot that you hadn't suppressed your power, thus this fight was bound to be an absolute Godstomp

However you were still easer to see what they could do at this time when all three of them teamed up

Past Y/N: Hey, N/N! We're here! You two look like you're having fun!

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