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I walked in to see all of the boys standing behind raph and master splinter next to them. the room was lit up with meautuful lights and crimson rose petals were all over the floor, and There were candles allover the place. raph walked over to me and got down on one knee. i covered my mouth and at this point i had tears in my eyes. "alyssa marie foster...i never thought I'd fall in love but i did, with you. you're the one I want to spend the rest of my life with. For the last 10 years, you've made me the happiest turtle alive. alyssa...will you marry me?" I nodded and jumped into his arms whispering yes into his ear. He picked me up and spun me around. he took the beautiful ring out of the box and slid it onto my finger. I kissed him and looked at all of the ithers going around and giving them all hugs. even splinter. "let us celebrate!" Master splinter led us back to the lair while raph and i walked behind everyone hand in hand. "so mrs fiancé...where do you want to get married at? What place do you have your heart set on?" I thought for a moment and remembered my favorite place. "We can have a candle lit service on the beach at night when no one is there." he smiled. "that sounds pretty. well if thats what you want then thats what you'll get." i layed my head on his arm as we walked down the sewer tuneles in sync. (Sorry this was so short....)

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