Vision to reality

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(Vision) i looked around and the lair was dark, no one was here. then i heard a cry. "aubrey!" I ran to her room and saw nothing she was gone. an evil laugh filled the lair and i fall to my knees. Aubreys scream brought tears to my eyes. ( end of vision)
I came out of trance and saw sensai standing im front of me. he looked worried. i jumped up and ran as fast as i could to aubreys room. sensai was right behind me. I looked into her krib and...she was gone. i quickly rushed to the sewer tunnles and screamed out for her but sadly i could no longer hear her cries. i fell to my knees As sensai came to my side. He helped me up as i sobed, thinking about whos throt i was going to rip apart once i find out who took my child. i grabed my phone and called raph
"Baby? Is something wrong?"
"Some-one took aubrey!"
"What!!! Alright were on our way. just hang in there." we instantly hung up. i was paceing the room back and forth while sensai tried to calm me. "alyssa, please, acting this way will cause more trouble." the boys ran in and raph instantly ran to me. i wasnt able to get words out of my mouth very easily so raph cupped my face. "baby, you need to calm down. your going to pass out if you dont...ok?" I nodded my head amd started to explain what happened. Raph ran to our room amd grabed my katana handing it to me. i straped it on and looked at him still with tears. "lets go save our little girl." I nodded and we all ran out the door.

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