Healing part 2

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Pain thrived on the left side if my chest. I slowly opened my eyes, groaning at the pain. but, something felt differant, the pain wasn't the same. I looked down and saw a rather long cut stiched together on the left side of my chest. I was still in only by strapless bra, but covered by a blanket. I looked to my right and saw Austin sleeping On the bean bag chair. donnie was sitting asleep at his desk laying his head down on his arms. Something on his desk buzzed makeing him jump awake. he saw I was awake and came over to me. "I didn't expect you to wake up till tomorrow. we'll we don't want that to get infected. so I'm gonna cover it." i nodded and he helped me sit up. he put a large pach over it then wraped it in bandages. "thanks...for everything." He smiled. "what else is family for...ya know, it wasn't only me, he helped to." he said pointing to Austin and I smiled. I layed back down slowly, not wanting to move my sholder. "we have been working on getting all of the poison for about 7 hours...it is now 3 in the morning." I reached down and covered him up... even though it hurt. "Well, get some rest... try to refrain from using your left arm from a few days." I nodded and he began walking out of the lab. "call my t-phone if you need anything or if something goes wrong with the stiches or anything... good night aubrey." I smiled. "night uncle donnie." I snuggled down into the blanket that was layed over me and slowly fell back asleep.

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