(10 years later)

356 15 13

Raph, leo, donnie, and mikey- 46
Master splinter- somewhere in 70's

Aubrey and Austin got married about 1 year ago and aubrey is now 1 month pregnant. the child will have all complete human features but will have aubreys powers.

Leo got married to a girl who was mutated into a human/cat hybrid, named Kathryn. but goes by kat. she has brown hair and bright blue eyes.

Donnie and mikey never got married. donnie one day found a baby in a box And raised him as his own child. he named him Jason

Mikey just stayed the same and never really grew up. always playing pranks, and eats pizza all day long.

Our rather large and weird family continued to fight against the shredder to keep new york safe and sound.

The end

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