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(nov. 4 is my actual birthday!not made up!)
Today is november 4th my birthday. i turned 17 at 7:38 this morning. I stretched as I walked to my closet and picked out an outfit. i put on one of raphs red hoodies that he would wear when he gose in public so hes not seen. Also some fadded skinny jeans with grey boots with the fuz on the inside, and a grey beanie. I walked into the dojo and saw the boys practicing, i looked at raph and he winked at me. i waved and sat cris cross beside sensai. sensai leaned over to me and whispered happy birthday i gasped with a smile. i whispered back. "how did u know?" He smiled. "lucky guess." we both giggled and watched as all of the boys fight each other. Mikey was the first out of the fight, then donnie, and all that was left was leo and raph. raph and leo held each other off for about 15 min. then raph turned his back to me and leo tricked him. " raph! Alyssas chokeing!!!" Raph instantly turned to me and leo knocked him down. leo won. raph came and sat by me all mad. I huged him and kisses him on the cheek. "awww baby dont be mad, u lost cause you showed compassion." splinter knoded. " she is right raphael...even if she were chokeing, donnatello is sitting next to her." he pointed out. raph sighed "hai sensai." master splinter stood up and faced us. "you are dismissed... alyssa, a word please." raph kissed me then followed his brothers out to the living room. "might i ask why you do not tell the others of your birthday?" My smile dissipated. "because im not one who likes the idea of growing up. so i usually just lay low on my birthday...i never have celebrated it... well not sence my mom died." He nodded his head in understanding. "i see...well, no matter what, we all have to grow up some day. just know,you only have one life. live it while you can and don't worry about the future. Worry about the present." i smiled... he was right, i have a long life ahead of me and i should enjoy it. "thanks sensai...that helped me a lot." he smiled. "now would you still like me to keep your birthday a secret?" i shook my head no. "i think they should at least know...after all they will ask me onday when they realize i havent had one. we both giggled and he brought the boys back in. "alyssa...is something wrong?" I laughed and shook my head. "my sons, alyssa has something to say." I put my head down kind if scared they would be mad. then i sighed. "today is my...birthday." I peaked up at them and ther jaws were droped. raph steped forward to me. "why didnt you tell us?" I looked at them straight on and just told thwm the samw i told splinter. " i spoke with solinter and he made me realize that...the present is gift. if you dont live life now and worry about the future, then you'll miss everything that is happening right now. So i desided to tell you all and stop worrying about growing up." they all came up to me and huged me. then raph said "well in that case..." then thay all screamed "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!" My cheeks turned red and I giggled. We all walked out and into the living room. raph and i sat ont the couch and snuggled. i couldent help but knowticed he was typing very fast on his shell phone. when i would look at his screan, he would hide it so i couldent see. "raph are you hidding something from me?" He giggled. "Yep." he said popping the p. "Uhhh...and why is that?" I said crossing my arms. "heres a clue. baby, you just told me that it's your birthday... you'll find out when it gets here." that made me smile i kissed his cheek and layed my head in his lap. i slowly feel asleep as i felt raph take me to my room.

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