20 questions

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It's been 3 months since the poison removal surgery uncle donnie did in me, and I have been doing great. everything had went back to normal. no more pains. no more falling over cause I'm to weak to walk. no mor haveing to be taken care of 24/7. im free and I can do thing in my own now. right now I'm out on patrol with my family and austin has even been coming along with us. case and dad became best friends again and hung out more. austin and I have been dateing for over a year now. on our anniversary, he bought me a neacklas with 2 daggers crossing each other makeing an "x" on it. it was beautiful and I never take it off. I sat on the top of a very tall building with my feet dangling over the edge and my arms and head resting on a rail. I watched the sunset and the twinkling lights of new york. Austin came and sat beside me with something held behind his back. "hey baby." I smiled at him and nidded to his arm behind his back. "whacha go there." he smiled and brought a beautiful light pink carnation out from behind him. I smiled as he handed it to me. "thanks." I said kissing his cheek. "your welcome, I thought I'd give it to you, ua know to remind you that I still love you and I always will." i hugged him and layed my head on his sholder. "your so sweet. I love you too. forever and always." He smiled. "wanna play a game?...20 questions? I nodded. "sure why not.
Austin: "what is something you are looking forward to doing when your an adult.
Aubrey: hmmmm...the freedome....Are you afraid of me...if so why.
Austin: lil bit... Only because if I were to do or say something wrong, you could set me on fire...
Befor we even got to finish our little game, leo called for us. "alright team were going to split up into groups of two to cover more ground. aubrey and Austin, Casey Raph and alyssa, me and mikey, donnie and april. ok now spread out." we all nidded and went our seperate ways. Austin and I held hand while we walked trough alleyways. I clicked my watch on, just incase we were sean. We ended up continuing our game of 20 questions. Austin and I had a fun night and he and Casey ended up staying the night I slept in my bed while he made a pallet on the floor next to my bed, dad made him sleep on the floor. We stayed up and had a whisper conversation, considering that my little sister and I still share a room. we said our good nights with a small kiss and fell asleep.

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