Rescuing Aubrey

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I slowly woke up to see that I was no longer at the park. I was in a dimly lit room strapped down to a bed with cords and wires hooked to me. there were lots of robots standing around me. one of them pressed a button sending volts of electricity in my body makeing me scream. I saw a man walk up to me wearing a full body suit of metal. "aubrey...the little runt made by the turtle and alyssa. you going to die today, your power is dangerous. don't try and use them because whe you do electricity will be sent through your heart. the more you try the closer to death you are." I tried shooting a flame at him from my fingertips but suddenly I was shocked again. paint coursed through my heart causing me to scream louder than before. he laughed. "up the voltage." he said to one of the robots. They did, as soon as I tuned on the bands that bound me, more electricity was sent to my heart once again. I screamed out for my dad wishing he were here to help me. a robot came up to me and stuck a needle in my arm that had purple liquid in it. i squirmed but more electricity was sent through me and It was worse than befor. I saw a flash of green and red, seeing that made me feel safe. then I seen something I had never of expected. my dad beside me in normal turtle form with a worried Austin standing next to him. I smiled at him then slowly my eyes shut. I could hear the voices of my dad, Austin, and Casey, but couldn't see.they unstraped me and quickly got me out of the building. dad was carrying me while they ran the streets to the nearest manhole. before we entered the manhole, I opened my eyes to see Austin watching me carfully. i weakly smed they went limp once again shutting my eyes.

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