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I am now 10 weeks preagnant and my stomach is already showing, and raph was already tending to me like i was unable to do things my self. i was sitting in the dojo watching the boys train. sensai amd donnie have restricted me from training so im back to sitting on the side line for about 7 months. I smiled at raph and when they were done sensai dismissed us all, he and i walked to our room. I layed on the bed and rubbed little circles on my belly. Raph bent down and kissed me then my belly. i giggled and he got into the bed next to me. "so what are you hopeing for?" He smiled. "boy." I put my hand on my belly. "im hopeing for a girl." He gigled and so did i.

5 months later
My belly had gitten huge already...time was going by fast and raph was getting more nervous by the day. iv been thinking about names for the baby and so far my favorite is
Boy: kaden, Alex, Jason, jacob
Girl: alexus, aubrey, autumn,
I like those names the most, but who knows i could find more. raph and his brothers were out on a mission...something about shredder. They have been gone for about 3 hours now and i was having some cravings. I really wanted some mc donalds. i oulled out my phone and called april.
"Hey are you busy?"
"No, why...are you ok?"
"Yeah im fine just was going to ask if you could get me some food."
"Yeah sure, what do you want?"
"Big mac from mc donalds...also get something for raph, ill pay you when you get here."
"Alright, im gonna get something for me too and ill eat with you i havent eaten either."
"Ok, thaks so much april."
"Welcome alyssa." we hung up and i went to the dojo to meditate. that was basically the only thing sensai and raph would alow me to do..raph even took my katana from me. I sat down against a wall and crossed my legs closing my eyes.

Instantly a vision came in my mind. i saw raph holding a baby. it was the exact same vision i had seen years ago when i first meditated. but this time it was more clear. raph was smiling at the baby. the room had been my old room. and was covered in toys and teddy bears. I saw the baby smile, i was able to tell it was a girl with blonde hair like mine and green skin just like raph with his peircing green eyes, but no shell.

Aprils pov
I bought the mc donalds and headed down to the sewers. i entered the lair and called for alyssa but no answer. i set the bags down on the table and went to her room. no alyssa. i went to the dojo and saw her sitting criss cross on the floor against the wall. sensai was watching her, makeing sure she was ok i guess. she was twitching and shakeing her head a little. i sat down beside sensai. "Is she haveing a vision?" Sensai nodded. then she opened her eyes and looked straight at us.
"What is it alyssa?" Sensai asked her. "it was the same vision i had the first time i ever meditated." He nodded and she looked at me. "im starving, april help me up please." i stood up and grabed her hands helping her up. "i got the food...oh and sensai i got you some sushi incase you were hungry too." sensai smiled and headed to the kitchen with us. I grabed the boys food and put in the microwave while alyssa sat at the table. we all at then the boys came in looking beaten up.

Alyssa pov
Raph looked tired and beaten up, so did the others. "Baby are you ok. what happened?" Raph looked angery. "shredder got us again." mikey said with his head down. april tryes to lighten the mood. "well, i bought you guys some dinner from mc donalds." they all mumbled thanks and raph came and sat beside me. He crossed his arms laying his head on the table. I put my hand on his sholder and he looked over at me. "Hey baby...hows peanut?" I smiled remembering my vision. "peanuts fine...and i had a vision about the baby." his eyes widened and everyone stared at me. "i have news...the vision was very clear and i am most certain peanut is a girl." they all smiled and raph lifted his head. he smiled. "well that just made the night better...congradulations you two." Leo said grabing his food along with his brothes. we all ate and donnie tended to his brothers wounds. raph and i headed up to bed. we laued down and he pulled my close to him. he leaned down and kissed my bell. "good night peanut.....godnight baby." he kissed me and layed his head back down. i fell asleep with raphs hand on my belly and my hand ontop of his.

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