Giving birth

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Im now 9 months preagnant, and am ready to pop. Raph has been very nevouse latly. he wont even let mikey near me anymore. I was in the kitchen washing dishes when all of the sudden i spilt watter in the ground. "Raph...i need some help please." raph came in the kitchen and saw the water in the ground. a sharp pain went through my stomach and i screamed. raph ran to my side makeing sure i didnt fall. "raph i dont tink that water was from my dishes....gggaahhhh get donnie!" Raph ran out of the kitchen and came back with donnie. they both picked me up and took me to his lab. i screamed out and leo, mikey, and sensai ran in. "is everythink ok?" Donnie explained to everyone i was in labor and started getting things ready. he had me pushing and i looked at raph. he had a painful look on his face and i realized i was squeezing his had really hard. "keep going alyssa you almost done." i gave everything i had and then the pain stoped. i layed my head back down as i heard a small cry. "its a girl." donnie called out. raph bent donw and kissed me. "you did great baby." i looked up and my stomach was no longer huge, i closed my eyes...i was tired, i whispered to raph. "sorry if i hurt your hand." he laughed. "it was worth it...our little girl is beautiful." i smiled. "can i see her." i opened my eyes to see raph was holding her right beside me. i sat up and raph set her in my arms. everyone came into the room including april. "should we tell them her name now?" I nodded and raph anounced that the baby was a girl and her name was
Aubrey Jane Hamato

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