Saving Aubrey

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We ran and jumped across roof tops untill we came across shredders lair. we looked through the window and saw karai holding aubrey. aubrey was screaming untill a krang droid came in and injected her with something. i screamed as raph held me back covering my mouth so the wouldent hear me. I watched as my little girl slowly stoped crying and layed back in karais arms. i was furious. "momma wolf is...not...HAPPY!" I yelled and dove through the window rurning full on wolf. i landed on all fours and growled makeing the hair on my back stand up. the boys landed behind me makeing sure to not get in an angery mothers way. "give us our nack our baby." raph comanded and shredder laughed. i growled and stared at karai intensly. she laughed and held up aubrey by her waist handing her to shredder. I turned back to normal and yelled at him. "give me my daughter or so help me i will rip out you throte and make karai eat it!" He laughed at my little threat haveing more gaurds come in the room the surounded the boys and started fighting. " Ok then...guess im taking that as a no then huh...well more fun for me." i kneeled down in running positin and ran twords karai turning wolf. i grabed he leg and started shakeing her throwing her against a wall. she got knocked out and i turned to shredder. He frowned up under that metal mask he wears. "give me my baby!" I yelled at him. i heard raph in the background yelling at him to but he was held up fighting the foot ninjas. shredder handed aubrey to another krang bot that was standing beside his throne. he then stood up kicking me in the stomach, sending me flying back. i quickly stood back up runing to shredder changing into full wolf. i bit at him and slashed at him with my claws but...he got the best of me. one if his blades went through my arm. Raph yelled and ran twords me as i fell to the ground clutching my arm. he quickly tyed cloth around the wound to stop the bleeding. "alyssas down! Get aubrey and lets go!" Leo comanded. i watched as raph picked me up and donnie grabed aubrey while leo sliced the head off of the krang bot. "raph i can walk...grab aubrey." he nodded setting me down getting aubrey from donnie. we wuickly got out of the building and ran across the roof tops as fast as we could. raph was clutching aubrey to his chest and i was clutching my arm to mine. we stioed so dinnie could look at my arm. "we need to get her to my lab." We started running back to the lair, and i began to feel dizzy. i started slowing down and raph noticed. i stoped, bending over with my hands on my knees. raph handed knocked out aubrey to donnie and rushed to my side. donnie and raph both were watching me carefully. my eyes bagan to roll to the back of my head and befor i hit the ground raph cought me. they continued to run with me in raphs atms and aubrey in donnies. t once we got to the lair they layed me on a metal table and aubrey in her bassanett. donnie started fixing my wounds and insisted that i just let my eyes shut seeing i was fighting to stay awake. raph bent down to my level and whispered in my ear. "aubrey is ok...i promise, shes only sleeping. rest baby, just close your eyes." i weakly smiled at him and finaly just let my eyes shut. darkness consumed me and i was no longer aware if anything going on.

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