Baby Aubrey

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I layed in bed breast feeding Aubrey, admiering her features.she had blonde hair like i do and her ears and tail matched mine perfectly, mabe a little darker. when she opened her eyes, the shine bright just like raphs eyes do. i ran my pointer finger across her little arm. she had a green skin tone, same as raph mabe a bit lighter. i looked up and saw raph at the door. "how is she?" I smiled and looked back down at her. "Shes perfect. shes such a good baby... she never cries and when she dose its so soft." he giggled and walked over to us. he sat at the end of the bed where my feet were. " i had april get a few things for aubrey from a baby store." i looked up at him. "what did she get?" He started nameing things off. "close, bassanett, baby wash stuff, just most things that she needs. i just told april to get necessities for now and when she gets older she cAn spoil her." i laughed then noticed aubrey fell asleep. i pulled my shirt back up and wrapped aubrey up in a little pink blanket. her small ears twitched as she softly snored while she slept. raph and i just sat there listening to her breath. she was born only a few hours ago, and raph and donnie brought me to our room to rest but i also need to take care of my baby.... she comes befor me. so i desided to feed her, and make sure she was ok befor i handed her over to raph to let people see her while i rested. I burped her, changed her diper, and wraped her up showing raph how to do everything. i kissed her cheek befor handing her to her daddy. he smiled and kissed me befor turning off the light.

Raph pov
I walked into the living room, holding my new born daughter. i sat on the couch and mikey sat beside me. "aawwww shes so cut." he said pokeing her belly softly. "and squishy...can i hold her?" I nodded handing her to my little brother. he was carful with her but every move he made, made me terrified. Sensai came in and mikey handed Aubrey to him. april and donnie came in holding lots of bags and boxes. "good lord april did you buy out the whole store?" I got up to help them carry it all to aubrey's room. We all set up her room while sensai took care of her for me since alyssa was asleep. we made it look cute. We put up a white wooden baby bed for when audrey gets a little older, some pink blankets were hung over the side. we also had a small white shelf with pink baskets to put dipers and bottles. we also loaded the closet with cute clothes and clothes for when she gets older. we put teddy bears on top of the shelf and a white wooden box of baby toys in the far right corner. I snuck into mine and alyssas room and quietly set up at bassanett for audrey to sleep in untill she can sleep in the biger bed. i went back into the living room to see sensai talking to aubrey while she staired at him with her beautiful green eyes. she looked like she was listening to him and acted like she knew what he was saying. i sat beside sensai and he handed my daughter to me. "shes beautiful my son, you and alyssa did a wounderful job." i smiled. "thankyou master splinter." We both bowed at each other, and looked down at aubrey. She had fallen asleep in my arms, i smiled. I took her up to mine and alyssas room to put her in the bassanett. i kissed her froehead and layed her down. She is going to sleep with us untill she is able to sit up amd roll over on her own. well now that im a father, i need to make sure my little girl is safe amd never gets hurt.

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