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So this is basically a rant. I just need to express my feelings and talk to people, see if you are seeing the same way I guess.

I want to start off saying that I love Calum. So much and that this is not hate to him or anything like that.

Ok so the whole Calum smoking thing has kinda upset me and quite a lot of fans.

And I feel like I'm a bad person for getting upset and annoyed with him. But I don't think I am.

I've always been one to say that it's their life and they can be friends with who they want to and date who they want to and all that and I still stick by that. And I know we can't tell them what to do and everything and I think because as a fam, we're sort of all really close with the boys, it's hard to explain but this relationship we have with them makes us feel really close to them. Anyways, we're just protective over them. As mental as it sounds to some people, at times it feels like they're our friends just because of how well we know them and how much we care about them. And that being said I'm protective.

To all those of you who are saying that Calum looks so hot smoking or whatever, please, stop. Smoking is no way attractive or cool. It is a slow way to kill yourself. Some of my family used to smoke and I hated it.

I worry about the boys. And last year they really took off with their career and they're new to all this 'fame' and maybe it's getting a bit hard for them sometimes.

But we need to stop using the excuse 'they're just teenagers' for a reason for them to get drunk and smoke and destroy themselves. 'Normal' teenagers don't smoke and get drunk all the time (I'm not saying 5SOS do or anything like that) but we should stop saying that it is a normal teenage thing because it's not and it shouldn't be.

I'm worried over what this will do for him. I don't want the band to get a bad image because they are four of the nicest guys I have ever known and no matter what mistakes they make, they love us all to pieces. But this could be really bad for his voice and maybe it could effect him as a person but I really hope not.

It could also be really bad for his health which scares me if I'm honest. I love him and if something were to happen to him then I don't know what I'd do. I think that maybe that's why a lot of us feel a bit let down or upset. I hope they know that it's not as such him we're upset with, but his choices.

No, we have no say in what he should do but we can't help but look out for him and worry about him and they need to realise that at the end of the day, (most of us) are just trying to protect him. That that's why we get jealous when they're seen with a girl because we don't want them to get hurt. Also a little because we may feel a bit heartbroken but it's mainly because we don't want them to get hurt. And we don't like Calum smoking because we don't want it to hurt him.

I'm sorry.

I just love them and I don't want bad things to happen to them.

Leave your thoughts I guess. 😓😔😞

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