Nights In.

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Nights In.

Calum: You and Calum cherished whatever time you had together. You didn't find the need in going all out for some fancy dinner or posh club. You were always perfectly happy to just cuddle up against one another under the duvets and talks until the sun came up.

Ashton: If ever the two of you got a night in, Ashton would love to cook for you. By far not the best chef around, he was still pretty decent at making a meal. After eating, the two of you would finishing off the day by laying down beside one another and sharing every thought that ran through your mind.

Luke: You and Luke would go for the simple movie night. Nothing too cheesy but nothing too scary either. You would pile under layers of quilts and lean into his side, laughing whenever he laughed and enjoying the simplicity of just being beside him.

Michael: Nights in with Michael would usually consist of the two of you on the couch in front of the xbox. You would sit in between his legs with a controller in your hands and Michael's arms would be wrapped around you as he had his own controller in his hands. Halo, COD, FIFA - whatever. You loved your nights in because you got to relax and enjoy your time with him.

(A/N: I have posted a few new chapters but because of their positioning in 'my works' they have got lost within previous imagines. One of them is called How You Meet. I hope you enjoy this and thank you all so much for getting me to a total of 21.4K reads! 05/07/14)

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