You Have an Illness.

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You Have an Illness.

Calum: I have asthma, a common illness amongst people. I'm usually good with keeping it under control and I make sure to take my inhaler whenever so do exercises and most place in general. However, smoke was a big trigger for me and whenever I inhaled too much, my airways would start to tighten up. Unfortunately for me, there were smoke machines at majority of the boys' concerts. It usually didn't effect me much if I stood away from them, but on the rare occasions it would. The boys were taking their final bow and I moved towards the stage to be near when Calum came off ready to greet him with a supportive hug. I was come plenty oblivious to the massive smoke machines right in front of me and managed to stand right before them as they went off. I started coughing at first and then waved the smoke away, trying to keep myself calm as I had already inhaled quite a bit. But it didn't seem to be working and before I knew it, I felt the all too familiar feeling of an asthma attack. I hurried backstage, Liz following after me in concern. I looked around desperately in search for my handbag which I was sure had my inhaler in it. The boys were all cheering, buzzing after just finishing another show, and Calum hurried over to me excitedly. His smiled dropped as he saw me breathing deeply, panic all over my features. "What's wrong? What's happening?" He asked worriedly and suddenly all the boys began to quieten down and walk over to us in concern. I was really struggling to get enough air into my lungs at this point and I reached out and grabbed onto Calum's arm to steady myself as I felt like I could pass out. "Woah, woah, woah, I've got you, you're ok." He spoke firmly, his eyes locked on me as he supported my body. "Can't breathe." I chocked out, my panicking only making things harder for myself. Michael hurried over with a chair in his hands and Calum helped me sit down, kneeling on the ground in front on me and getting me to focus on him. Liz and Luke were hastily searching for inhaler, Luke quickly finding it and handing it over to Calum. He quickly shook the medicine before bring it up to me lips, instructing me to take a deep breath as I breathe in the medicine he gave me. Within a few seconds the medicine was already staring to kick in and it wasn't long before I could breathe properly again. I sat there shaking as Calum carefully pulled the inhaler away and placed his hand to the side of my face to ensure I looked at him. I weekly took hold of his hand as he stood up and thanked everyone for helping me.


Luke: Y/N was an epileptic and I knew this since around the start of our relationship. She was cautious and hesitant of telling me, though she knew she had to in case anything ever happened to her whilst I was around. For the first year I'd been with her, she didn't had a single seizure, though there were times when she came close. But almost two years into our relationship, she had her first seizure; and it was one of the scariest things in my life. She knew how to avoid them and she knew how to take care of her illness, me included, but she went through a rough day and didn't look after herself as well as she needed to. She must have forgotten to take her medicine on the plane or before the concert that night, and fell asleep without any, after all, not taking her medication would be the first guess as to why it happened. She also had been having a lack of sleep which triggers an epileptic seizure, despite me telling her she needed her rest. Needless to say I was petrified when she fell to the floor before me into a seizure and her body began to shake rapidly. I went in to full panic, trying my best to remember what she told me to do. I knew that if her seizure lasted longer than 5 minutes, that I would have to call an ambulance. But by the power of God it didn't, and after around 2 minutes her body began to relax. I kneeled down next to her and ran my hand through her hair, waiting for her to come to her senses and open her tired eyes. She mumbled and stirred for a few seconds before gasping awake, her breathing suddenly heavy. I held onto her shoulders firmly and stopped her from sitting up to fast. She was confused and anxious as to what had happened and relying on me to calm her down. She saw the tears in my eyes and the concern on my features, her's soon matching as she realised what had happened. "I'm so sorry. This is all my fault, Luke." She slurred, sounding a little drowsy. "Don't be sorry. You're ok, that's all that matters." I assured her, keeping a close eye on her to make sure she wouldn't suddenly relapse. "If I just took my medicine and made sure I got enough sleep..." She trailed off, shame evident in her tone. "Hey, it happens to the best of us. You're ok." She stopped her muttering and wiped at her eyes tiredly, letting out an exhausted sigh. I stood up only to bend down again, Y/N's arms wrapping around my neck as I carefully lifted her up bridal style. I set her down in bed and pulled her shoes off, disappearing for a few seconds to retrieve some medicine for her. I watched as she consumed it, swallowing it down with a glass of water. I crawled in bed beside her, no intentions on falling asleep as it was only early evening, but just to lay beside her and make sure she fell asleep, getting the rest she needed.

Michael: I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes when I was an early teenager and it came as a massive shock to everyone in my family. It took some getting used to at first, and there had been times where things didn't go so well, but for the most part, I looked after myself and controlled my diabetes as much as I could. The finger pricking hurt at first, though I think I was mainly just scared of everything. But over time it's grown on me and I'm not bothered by it anymore. Michael knew about my disease and was always there to help me and always checking up on me, even more so while he was away. If ever I needed anything, he do it for me with no complaints, his number one priority being my health and safety. Unfortunately, on the way to London from Australia, I hadn't ate as much as I needed to, nor at the appropriate time either. I must have got confused with the timezones, either that or my body clock was messed up. Needless to say, I started getting dizzy and lightheaded and the first thing I did was looking for Michael. I began to get a bit anxious and my hands started shaking a bit as I looked for Michael, full aware of what was happening. I knocked upon the door to Calum's hotel room and he opened the door with a smile, leading me inside to where the boys all sat, just talking. Michael smile once he saw me and lifted his arm up gesturing for me to sit down at his side. His smile soon fell as he saw my worried state, and stood up and walked over to me, taking my hands in his. My vision had quickly become blurred and the state I was in was scaring me. "What's wrong?" He asked, taking hold of both my wrists. "Blood sugar." I mumbled out to him trying to focus on not passing out. "Where's your kit? Have you ate today?" He shot the questions at me and I could only shake my head weakly. As he turned to the boys to ask for a soft drink or a sweet of some sort, I felt my body give way and fall to my knees. Michael turned around in a heart beat, the other boys all coming over to my side as Michael slowly lowered me to the floor. "You're ok. I've got you." I heard Michael's voice ring out before my eyes closed. "I think she's waking up." I faintly heard a voice say. A few seconds later I felt the object I was laying on sink down as someone sat at my side. I felt my hair being brushed back out of my face, and the side of my face being stroked gently. My eyes flickered open, adjusting to bright light for a few seconds before I looked up at Michael. I sigh heavily and reached out for his hand, holding onto it weakly. "How're you feeling?" He asked me soothingly and I noticed the boys standing aside to us, all with equally worried glances. "What happened?" I asked slightly confused, holding onto Michael to try and sit up. He carefully pushed me back down, not wanting me to sit up yet just in case. "Your blood sugars dropped and you passed out. I had to inject you with some glucagon." Michael told me, smiling down at me sadly. "You ok, Y/N?" Calum asked me worriedly, the boys all slowly coming over to me. "I'll be fine, thank you boys." They smiled at me reassuringly as I felt Michael pick me up. "We're gonna get you something to eat and then you're getting your rest." Michael told me, the boys chuckling as he carried me across the lobby to our hotel room. "Thank you Mikey." I told him gratefully, leaning into his warm chest. "Anything to keep you safe."

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