He Falls Asleep on You.

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He Falls Asleep on You.

Short and sweet, I hope you like them.

Calum: Calum shot awake, sitting up instantly with a hand over his chest, his breaths coming out hard and fast. "Calum?" You mumbled half asleep, bringing your hand up to wipe at your eyes. "Sorry love, go back to sleep." He apologised, taking hold of your hand and giving it a reassuring squeeze. You ignored him and sat yourself up beside him, your hand soothingly rubbing up and down his bare back. "You ok?" You asked him as he rested his face in his hands. 'Yeah, yeah." He assured you. "Just a bad dream." He whispered, a hint of shame in his tone. "You want to talk about it?" You questioned him and he turned around to smile at you tiredly. "No thanks. Let's just get back to sleep." He replied with and you happily agreed, lying back down against the mattress and pulling him against you. A faint smile appeared on his lips as you moved your fingers through his hair and within a few minutes, he had fallen asleep from the calming actions from you.

Ashton: You entered the room quietly, a glass of water and some tablets in your hand. You walked over to Ashton's side of the bed, placing the glass and medicine on the beside table before turning to face him. He was sleeping with an uncomfortable look on his face with beads of sweat along his forehead. You were a little unhappy that you had to wake him up, especially given the fact that he hasn't been sleeping well at all, but you knew you had to give him his medicine so that he could get better. You kneeled down at his side, your hand moving up and pushing his hair out of his face. "Ash?" You spoke his name quietly, you hand moving down to his shoulder as you thumb rubbed his skin in small circles. "Ash, babe." You repeated his name a little louder, shaking him slightly. His eyes fluttered open and he seemed confused at first, running the sleep out of his eyes before he sighed, closing his eyes again in discomfort. "You need to take your medicine babe." You cooed before carefully helping him sit up, a small groan escaping his lips as he did so. You handed him the medicine and he swallowed it down with the water, afterwards handing it back to you as you set it in the table. "You need anything love?" You asked only for him to shake his head as he fell back against the mattress. You smiled at him sadly, making your way over to your side of the bed and climbing in beside him. You gently pulled him over to you and he cuddled up into your side, resting his head on your chest and you tugged at his hair soothingly. "Night babe." you whispered to him, but he had already fallen asleep.

Ashton's was my favourite. ☺️

Luke: You knew it wouldn't be long before his sleeping patterns changed, so you and Luke appreciated every moment of sleep you both got, as well as every hour your newborn baby did. You were first time parents and you had no idea what you were doing half the time, but it seemed to be going ok. The only downside was that you were both exhausted. You were sitting on the couch with Luke, the TV playing quietly as you didn't want to create much noise. Luke's arms were wrapped around your torso as you both leaned against each other, happy to be able to spend some time together. You were running your hand up and down Luke's arm, whispering about how excited you were to do all these things with your son. Luke's head had dropped to rest on your shoulder as his arms stilled remained around you tightly. You looked over at him and his eyes were closed peacefully, and you admired him for a few seconds before pulling the blanket over him a little more. "You're an amazing father, Luke. I love you baby."

Michael: You sat on the couch as Michael laid down with his head resting on your lap. Your fingers ran through his hair as you did all you could to help relax him, his body shaking every now and then as he calmed himself down from crying. The TV volume was low, though none of you were focusing on anything other than each other. "You're ok now, Mikey. I'm right here." You soothed him, knowing that your voice would calm him down quicker. He sniffled quietly, the smallest of smiles meeting his lips as he cuddled himself further to you. Within a few minutes, his breathing began to grow deeper, a sign that he was almost asleep. You tugged on the blanket that was chucked over the couch and brought it to you, carefully covering Michael with it. "Get some sleep baby." You whispered to him as soft snores quietly left his mouth. "I love you."



This idea came to my head and just picturing them falling sleeping on me and how cute they would look made me so happy.

I have started a blog and I really hope some of you check it out. It's got my imagines, books, pretty much this and more. The link is in my bio.

As you're probably aware, I have been offered to write for someone business wise. I have chosen to accept the offer and I should start soon. I'll let you know more information as it comes along, but for now I just want to assure you that by no means am I stopping this book. I will however, start a 2nd 5SOS Imagine/Preference book when this one finishes (as I think Wattpad only allows around 200 chapters?). Of course, as the other is an actual job, I will have to do my writing for them before this, as again, its a paid job, but I will try my hardest to not let that effect this book and the updates. Baring in mind I am only in year 10 so I do get quiet a bit of homework (which I always procrastinate till the last minute) and to have this professional, paid job is such an honour especially given the fact that I'm only 15 and I've been given the opportunity to exceed in my career. So it will take some time to get used to, and I will get stressed, but this book, this family, these boys are so important to me; I can't just stop doing this.

Anyways, thank you if you read all that, lol.

I love you.


- HakunaHemmings.

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