He Gets in a Car Crash Part 2.

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He Gets in a Car Crash Part 2.

Calum: 3 Days later. || My fingers are laced with Calum's as he continues to rest on the hospital bed. Each day gets harder as it goes by and my need for him to wake up increases by the minute. The chair I am sitting in has been my place of sleep for the past few days, also where I spend almost every minute of the day. My eyes fix on our hands and I admire the ring on my finger. My free hand moves over and lightly skims across my engagement my ring."Calum, you've gotta wake baby." I mutter, squeezing onto his hand. I prop my elbow onto the bed and bring our entwined hands against my forehead, leaning on them. A few minutes pass before I feel a light squeeze of my hand. I lift my head, confused. Tears in my bloodshot eyes. I look to Calum to see him moving slightly with an expression of discomfort plastered across his face. I stand up, pushing my chair backwards as I do so. My hand lets go of his and moves up to cup his face. I push his dark hair out of his face, my thumbs soothingly rubbing circles on his cheeks. "Cal?" I call as he begins to wake up. "Cal, it's me. You're okay. Open you eyes." I softly say to him. His eyes begin to flicker open, taking a few seconds to adjust to the what-must-be-blinding lights. "Y/N?" He drowsily mumbles, looking up to me with a pained smile on his face, eyes barely open. "Hey, Calum." I smile back with teary eyes. "I've missed you." I whisper, leaning down to him, finally reviving the kiss I've been waiting for.

Ashton: "How are you feeling?" I ask softly as I run my fingers through Ashton's messy hair. "It hurts." He mumbles, shifting himself on the bed before continuing. "But I'm alive." He says. "So better than the other driver." He adds, a frown soon taking over his features. I take notice a slight pang of anger hits me. "Hey, no. Don't think that." I say to him. He looks to me confused. "Don't start feeling guilty or like this was your fault." I speak. He sits up now, head hanging low and fidgeting slightly and fumbling with the IV drop connected to him. "But he died, Y/N." He murmurs in contrition. "Ashton," I sigh, unsure of what to say to him. "This was in no way you're fault. Yeah the other driver died but he could have taken you away from me." I tell him. I look at his defeated appearance and calm myself down. I move over so I'm sitting beside him on the uncomfortable hospital bed. "Look, I'm sorry. I've just been so scared, Ashton. You don't know what it was like for me sitting here day after day watching you struggle to stay alive. I thought you were gonna die, Ash. I just get so worried that I might lose you and I thought I did. I'm just glad you're with me." I say to him as he pulls me into his arms. "I'm sorry." He apologises to me though he didn't really need to. "You don't need to worry anymore, alright? We'll be ok."

Luke: My hair is greasy and dark circles rest under my eyes. It has been a struggle for anyone to try and get me to leave this hospital; Michael being to the only one to bring some sense to me. I went home once and showered. I tried to get some sleep like I have been for the past week, but despite how tried I am, my mind refuses to let me rest. The only time I've been able to get some sleep has been when I've been sitting in the chair beside Luke's bed. I didn't want to leave his side, scared that something would happened if I left. I agreed to go home, changing my clothes quickly and just to freshen up. I didn't want to and I felt so guilty that I did, especially when I got a call from Ashton telling me that Luke was waking up. I drove to the hospital as fast as I could, yet not going over the speed limit. The halls of the hospital felt somewhat familiar to me due to the amount of time I had between within them therefore it was easy for me to remember where Luke's room was. I take a deep breath in, trying to pull myself together as I pace back and forth outside of Luke's room. I slowly open the door, unsure what to expect. I walk in, my eyes instantly landing on Luke. Calum turns around from the seat beside him and Luke's eyes wonder to me. Without even releasing, my feet carry me over towards Luke and I instantly wrap my arms around him, breaking down the second he places his hands on my back. Calum quietly excuses himself, giving us some time. Luke is connected to multiple machines, bruises still cover his body and no doubt he is in pain but he pulls me close to him. "I thought I was going to lose you." I cry against his chest. His hand runs through my messy curls, and he lightly presses his lips to my cheek. "You'd never lose me. I'll always pull through for you."

Michael: "How is he? Can I see him?" I ask the doctor as he makes his way over to me. He smiles lightly at me, sending out calm vibes. "The surgery went well." He tells me and I instantly relax. "He seems to be waking up so you can go and see him now." He says to me, motioning towards the door. I thank him quickly before hurrying over to Michael's room. I enter quietly, shutting the door behind me and taking a seat beside Michael. He stretches his fingers out and I reach my hand out to take his. He moves slightly, his eyes

flickering open slowly as he mumbles incoherently. He reaches up and pulls the oxygen mask away from his mouth, his eyes opening and landing on me. He smiles weakly, still seeming half asleep from all the medicine. "Hey Mikey." I whisper, my voice cracking as I speak. He gently pulls me down, wrapping his arms around me softly as I lean into his chest, crying softly. "You scared me so bad Michael. I'm so glad you're ok." I say to him. He runs a hand through my hair, soothing me. "I wouldn't leave you." He says to me. "Never."




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