You Have an Eating Disorder.

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You Have an Eating Disorder.

Calum: You hang your head low as you sit across the table from Calum. You move your food around the plate, trying to make it look as if you've ate more than a few mouthfuls. You can feel Calum's stare on you and you shift around in your seat. When Calum finishes, he takes his plate up into the kitchen and cleans up the small amount of mess he made. You drop your fork onto your plate, finishing your little pretending act. You stressfully run your fingers through your hair, pulling slightly in frustration. You fight the urge to cry seeing as you are unsure if Calum is watching you. You take your plate up and walk to the kitchen, scraping the food into the bin once you don't see Calum. You turn around and set your plate in the dishwasher before Calum pops back in the room. "Hey." You greet him, trying to act casual. He doesn't speak as a frown sets upon his features as he walks over towards you. He stands in front of you as you lean against the counter, his hands resting on the bench either side of you. You hesitantly lock your eyes with his, a feeling of intimidation clouding the air you breathe in. "What's wrong?" You ask in a sense of guilt. He sighs deeply, tearing his eyes from yours and shifting on his feet. "I'm worried about you." He whispers in sadness. "W-what? Why?" You stutter. "You know why." He speaks, bringing his eyes back up to yours. You bite down on your lip, unsure of where to look or what to say. You lower your head down, hands shaky as you hold them in front of you and your expression softening. "I'm going to help you, Y/N." He promised me as he tucked some of my hair behind my ear as I continued to stand with my head down in shame. "You do want help, don't you?" He ask me becoming more and more worried by the second. I nodded slowly as his hands slowly wrapped around my waist. He carefully pulled me forward, bringing me into his chest. I wrapped my arms loosely around his neck, my hands hanging softly off his shoulders. He placed soft kisses to my cheek in silence, afterwards pulling me close and holding me tightly to his chest as we both held onto each other with looks of pain etched onto our faces. "You'll overcome this."

Ashton: An uncertain silence hang about the room and tension accompanied it. You fiddled with your fingers as you stared as Ashton, anxious for his response. You were going to speak so it wasn't quite as uncomfortable, but you had not an idea of what to say. His tense posture only had you guessing his emotions even more and his expression was unreadable until he spoke. "Are you ok?" Were the three words he asked as he looked back to you. "I really don't know." I told him, wistful to be next to him hopes that I could then find the comfort to search my mind. "Come here." He motioned for me, standing up and outstretching his hands for me to fall into. With the secureness of his arms around me, tears at once began to fill my eyes, slowly rolling down my cheeks onto the soft material of his ripped shirt. He soothingly calmed me, quieting my cries and fading all my worries away. "It's hard, I know that but you're going to get through it. You're better than this." He said to me, as he slowly sat me down on the couch with him. I leaned into his chest as he held me on his lap, continuously whispering earnest promises into my ear and telling me that everything would be ok. I know it will be if he will never leave me.

Luke: A series of constant beeps echoed from beside you and your eyelids became heavy from a light which was shining down on your sleeping features. Fingers which were laced with yours delicately soothed your skin, waking you up with every touch. Your surroundings became more prominent as all conscious feelings rushed through you. You soon became aware of the needles poked into your skin and the thin material covering your body and the bed which you rested on not feeling familiar as well as the fact that you were alone in it. You curled your fingers slightly, holding onto the hand which had hold of yours. You opened your eyes, feeling blinded by the light which took a few seconds to adjust to. "Luke?" You call out, out of instinct. "Yeah, I'm here baby." He whispered to you in reply. Your tired eyes looked to him, examining his features which you had missed in the hours that you hadn't seen him. He leaned down to you, placing a gentle kiss to your forehead. "I was so worried about you, babe." He stated. "Why didn't you come talk to me?" He asked in disappointment. "I didn't think you'd understand." You truthfully spoke. "Oh." Was all he mumbled out as he dropped his head down. You pushed yourself up so you were sitting in a somewhat, upright position as you thought of words to explain your elusive mind. "I didn't mean it like that, Lukey." You told him, your body still weak and drained of energy. "I was just... Annoyed at myself. I don't feel good enough for you." You told him as you reached for his hand again. His fingers found yours and they entwined together as naturally as leaves to a tree. He looked up to you as the words left your mouth and his eyes searched yours hoping to believe that it wasn't true. "Don't ever think that about yourself, alright? You are everything to me." He said to you, voice cracking and heart filled. "You are everything to me." He repeated as he leaned over and kissed you time and time again hoping that the words would linger on your mind as his kiss would to your skin.

Michael: "No thanks." You rejected as Michael handed you a plate of food. He frowned and set his plate on the arm of the chair before sitting down and placing your plate on your lap. "Michael, I'm not hungry." You told him as you stubbornly placed the plate down on the table. "I don't care. You're going to eat." He told you in a firm manner. You tried to ignore him and focus your attention on the TV to which he turned off within seconds. "Michael-" You tried to argue with him but he instantly cut you off. "Please just eat something, baby." He pleaded in frustration and desperation. You shook your head as a mixture of fear and denial rushed through your mind. You could sense Michael becoming angry which overwhelmed you with anxiety. The last thing you needed was for Michael to be annoyed at you and you struggled to cope with the idea of that happening. Your breathing hitched in your throat and you felt as if the room was becoming smaller and closing in on you. Tears met your eyes and you sat facing forward, beginning to shake in panic. Michael's features softened once he saw you and he instantly calmed down as he studied you. He sat down from his intimidating stance and sat down beside you. He wrapped his arms around you and you leaned your head against his shoulder trying to feel close to him. "Calm your breathing, sweetie. It's ok. I'm sorry I got mad." He whispered into your ear as you focused on slowing your breathing down. "Michael, I, I, don't want to eat." You whimpered in shame. "Ever." You added faintly, letting yourself fall into Michael's chest. "You need to darling." He spoke in care, looking down at your fragile state in his arms. "But I can't." You struggled to find the right words to say as your mind was elusive. "Whatever help you need, I'll make sure you'll get it because I need to be ok." Michael said to you, pressing his lips to the side of your cheek and lingering them over your skin for a few seconds. "And because I love you."

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