Hotel Ceiling || Song Preference.

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Hotel Ceiling || Song Preference (Rixton).


Calum: On the TV they said they had reported you dead. || It was at that point where nothing even seemed real anymore. Nothing made sense without him, and I don't think I even wanted it to. One minute he was here, and the next, he wasn't. Before I even had the chance to see him, to hold him one last time; he was gone. I never even had the chance to say goodbye, or to tell him I loved him; it was too late. I chocked on the air, feeling everything break inside of me as the words that had the power to kill me, were spoken through the TV. It was on every channel in the cheap hotel room, and I couldn't escape it. But yet, I tortured myself listening to the words being said. "Calum Hood, bassist of 5 Seconds of Summer has reportedly passed away earlier this evening after being involved in a major car accident. Police say that the impact forced onto his car meant that it was impossible for him to survive. Millions of people worldwide are mourning the loss of the very talented, young man." I screamed out louder than I ever had, chucking the TV remote at the screen, shattering the glass into pieces. I pulled at my hair in heartache, my hands fisting as I screamed into the pillow, begging for God to bring him back. "Take me instead." I muttered out hopelessly, but I knew that God wouldn't be able to hear me. "Calum, come back." I whimpered out, my voice breaking at his name, barely audible towards the end. "Please don't leave me, Cal." But he was already gone.


Ashton: Everyone knows, but not what to say. || The room fell silent, all eyes on the floor as I struggled to digest the news. I felt my heart beating rapidly in my chest, but all I wanted was for it to stop beating at all. The room quickly began to feel small and I struggled to breathe as a result, feeling as if there wasn't enough oxygen in the world. My hands began to shake and my eyes darted around the room as if they were looking for her, just waiting for her to show up; to still be here. This wasn't fair. How could the best thing that ever happened to me, be ripped right out of my hands? Why did God take her from me? I tried to scream out her name as loud as I could, but all that came out was a lost whimper, her name burning on my tongue. I tried to steady myself, to support my body, but I couldn't and ended up leaning against the wall on my way down to the floor. I lost control of everything, and I lost my mind too. I continuously shook my head, telling myself over and over that this wasn't real. I yelled at myself and began hitting at my chest to wake up, but I couldn't as hard as I tried. I couldn't change this, I couldn't bring her back.

Poor Ashy.

Luke: It was my fault cause I could've sworn that you said 'It was easy to find another for your bed'. || Anger pulsed through me as the vicious words left Luke's mouth, his eyes dark and focused on me. "Is that really what you think of me?" I asked feeling hopeless with him at this point. He sighed heavily in response, looking around the room unsure how to answer me. "I might as well just leave then." I mumbled to him, turning around on my heel and heading towards the door, my body starting to tremble as tears fell down my cheeks. I could hear him follow after me, his footsteps heavy as he ran to catch up to me. He grabbed onto my wrist, attempting to turn me around but I freed myself from his hold. "Y/N, I'm sorry, I... Just stay." He trailed off, not sure what to do to stop me from leaving. But I ignored him, and he followed after me in his own car. I don't know how to describe it, but I felt trapped, like I couldn't get away from him, and the feeling only intensified as he chased after me. I thought I lost him when I passed the light just seconds before it turned red, I thought there was no way he would catch up to me now. But with the sound of tires screeching behind me, and a horn erupting, the second I heard the collision, I knew what had happened. It was my fault.

Lel, this sounds like it belongs in Chase Me.

Michael: I've been staring at the hotel ceiling, drinking everything I found this evening. || I knew where to find her, and I had an idea of that state she would be in when I found her, too. I wanted to stop her from leaving the second she walked out, but I knew she needed her space. It was so hard to give her some, especially given what she's like, but I did anyway, finding her a few hours later trying to forget everything. I knocked on her hotel room door, her car parked just outside. I could see the lights on inside and I waited patiently for her to open the door. She struggled to unlock it, opening it once she could, the scent of alcohol strong on her body as she stood before me. She went to close the door upon seeing my face, but I stopped it with my foot, pushing it open again and stepping in the room. She was completely drunk, empty bottles lying across the floor, with several more unopened ones sitting on the counter. I knew if she continued at this rate, she would be close to alcohol poisoning, making me so much gladder that I showed up when I did. She stumbled weakly, trying to push me back outside, but she barely enough energy to keep herself standing upright. "I don't want you here." She slurred, a sympathetic look appearing on my features. "I know, babe." I agreed with her, my hand moving to her lower back as I slowly guided her towards the bed. "Don't think that you can just show up and have everything perfect, ok?" She asked me as I helped her sit down, taking the bottle from her loose grip. "I know. I don't sweetie." I replied, shaking my head at her in slight amusement. I took her shoes off and helped her lie down, pulling the blankets over her and telling her to try and get some sleep. She refused at first, insisting to finish her rant at me, which I deserved, but within seconds she was sound asleep, her mouth parted slightly. "I'm sorry, Y/N." I whispered to her, knowing that she was only going to feel worse in the morning.

Mikey, you sweetheart.



My dog is 10 today :):

I hope you like this, I really love this song actually.


My poor little Mikey, I hope he's ok. It broke my heart to know that he was struggling with mental health. I'm so proud of him though, because I know how much courage it takes to say that. I've seen a therapist too and I hope Mikey's helps. <3


If any of you ever need help, someone to talk to, or someone to listen, I am always, always, always here for you. I love you so, so incredibly much, as individuals and not just as a group of readers.

I'm so close to 4000 followers, that the most I've had on anything! Chase Me has over 20,000 reads now in just 6 weeks, like thats incredible ! I'm still working on Find Me (the sequel), I just need to create a new cover though, lel.


I love you.



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