Car Crash Part 2.

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Car Crash Part 2.

Calum: You sat beside Calum as he lay unconscious on the hospital bed. You kept a tight grip on his hand, not wanting to let go until you knew he would be ok. Your head rested on the hospital bed right beside his stomach and you kept your eyes on him at all times. "Y/N?" You heard someone call as they knocked on the door. You turned to face them to see it was Michael. You gave him a weak smile as he came and sat beside you. "How are you holding up?" He asks as he soothingly rubs your back. "You don't need to worry about me." You replied with. "Y/N you've barely slept in three days. I get that you want to be here for Calum - we all do but you need to go home and rest." He told you. You wiped the sleep out of your eyes and tried to give him a convincing smile. "I'm fine. I just need-" You began to speak but you were cut short by the soft groans escaping Calum's lips. Your head snapped in his direction and you stood up and leaned down to him. "Calum? It's me. Open your eyes. You're ok." You whispered as your ran your fingers softly against his cheek. His eyelids began to flutter open and he was soon looking you straight in the eye. Tears instantly fell down your cheeks as he slowly pulled you against his chest. "You're ok Calum. I'm so glad you're ok." You whispered as you pulled away. "What happened?" He asked, his voice raspy and weak. "Y-you were in an accident babe. A car crashed into the back of yours when you were stopped at the lights." You explained. "What happened to the other driver? Was anyone else hurt?" He asked as he took your hand in his. You smiled down at him and admired his selflessness. "Everyone's ok, Calum. Just concentrate on getting better, alright?" You answered him. He reached his hand up and wiped a tear away. "I love you." He whispered, finally showing his beautiful smile again. "I love you more."

Ashton: You leaned against the doorframe, watching intently as Harry, Annmarie and Ashton all sat beside Lauren as she quietly continued to speak. A smile rested on your lips as your saw Ashton smile for the first time in days. Minutes pass by until Lauren notices you. She motions for Ashton to turn around and his face lights up when he see's you. After excising himself, he rushes over to you pulling you into a hug where he burrows his head in the crook of your neck. Your feel overwhelmed by relief which is accompanied by his familiar scent of cologne. Ashton lets out a shaky sigh as he pulls away from you. You can notice the mask of pain on his face, a sense of doubt clouding his eyes. "Ash." You whisper. He raises his eyebrows and directs his attention back to you after looking over to his family. "She's going to be ok. You know that, right?" You ask. He pulls at his hair - a nervous habit you had noticed about him. You take both his hands in yours and hold them by your side. "Ash?" You ask again. "I was just so worried. Ever since dad left, I became almost like a father figure to her. And now I'm leaving all the time too and it just made me realise that I can't look after her like I used to. I hate leaving them enough as it is and now I'm always going to be paranoid that something like this will happen again." He confesses. You shut him up by crashing your lips onto his, only keeping it a short kiss as his family are only right behind you. "Ash, you are an amazing person and you support your family more than your dad ever did. They'll be ok. We'll be ok. I promise."

Luke: "Y/N Y/L/N?" The doctor calls her name and I am instantly to my feet. I follow the doctor to the room he leads me in, Ashton too. We take a seat at the desk as he does, and I let out a deep sigh. Ashton drums his fingers on the table in fear as we wait for the news. Michael and Calum stand outside the room and watch in from the window, receiving the news by our expressions. "We have managed to stabilise Miss. Y/L/N and she has some of our best doctors in care of her." He notifies us. Ashton nods, taking in the news. "When can I see her?" I interrupt, my voice shaky and weak. "Mr. Hemmings, Y/N is not yet awake." He begins to repeat. "I don't care! I need to see her. Please!" I yell in frustration. Ashton places a hand on my shoulder trying to calm me but these last 20 hours or so have been anything but calm. "Please." I repeat in a more quieter tone. "I need to be with her. I need to be there when she wakes up." I speak. The doctor nods in understanding and within minutes I am finally led to her room. I excuse myself from the boys and enter Y/N's room alone and heartbroken at the sight. She is connected to an IV drip, machines and wires attached to her. Cuts and bruises cover her body and she is asleep with a pained look resting upon her face. As I sit down beside her I take her cold hand in mine and press my lips against her skin. My fingers trace the scratches along her arms and I find myself wishing the feel the pain so she does not. "You're going to make it through this, Y/N. We'll be alright."

Michael: A week later and I find myself in the same room, the same hospital, with the same aching pain in my chest. The heart monitor continues to echo throughout the room and I once again loose myself in my thoughts. I watch the steady rise and fall of Y/N's chest and try to match my breaths with hers. If we can't be the same; at least out hearts can match. I take her hand and gently hold it in mine feeling a sense of comfort when I feel her skin upon mine. I watch the light flutter of her eyelashes and the small crinkle of her nose. A sudden spark of hope floods through me and it's fulfilled when Y/N slowly opens her eyes. I watch as she adjusts to the sudden bright light and I makes sure to be the first thing she lays her eyes on. "Michael?" She whispers so quiet that it's barely audible. I sit on the edge of her bed, right by her torso, almost side on so that I am facing her. "I'm here. I'm here, you're ok." I whisper in reply as I push a strand of her hair behind her ear. Tears fill her eyes, as do mine and I carefully help her sit up. "Gosh, I'm so glad you're awake. I don't think I would have lasted another day without hearing your voice." I say. She leans her head back against the pillow, a peaceful expression on her face. "You're ok." I repeat as I continue to remind myself. She's ok.

I would just like to thank you all for getting me to 16000+ reads! I never actually thought I would get this many. Also, thank you for 1000+ followers on my IG @hakunahemmings. I've had the account for only 8 weeks and I get so many likes and comments - it's unbelievable! I got around 70 followers just yesterday 🙊 All my love.

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