Your Child...

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Your Child...

(A/N: Just going to make up ransoms names, okay?)

Calum: Won't calm down for you || "Calum?" I call for him, waiting a few seconds before he arrives in James' nursery. "What's up?" He asks as he walks over to me, looking over my shoulder to see James in my arms. "I think he's sick." I tell him. "I've checked his temperature and he seems fine but he won't drink his milk and I don't know what to do." I panic as I cradle James in my arms. "Calm down baby." Calum soothes me. "He might not be hungry." He tells me. "He must be; he hasn't ate since this morning before he fell asleep again." I remind him. "Pass him here." Calum says, reaching his arms out for him. I carefully pass him over, and watch intently as Calum rocks him back and forth in his arms. His crying begins to settle down within a matter of seconds and turns to soft whimpers every now and then. Calum plays with James' little hand, smiling when his tiny fingers wrap around his own. I sigh in relief but also in defeat and take a seat beside his cot. "See, he's ok." Calum says as he reaches for the bottle and slowly feeds him. I watch as he burps James before settling him down in his cot. He looks to my saddened state, a frown in is face. "Babe, what's wrong? He's ok." Calum asks as he bends down in front of me, placing his hands on my knees. "I'm a terrible mother." I mumble hiding my face in my hands. Calum takes my hands away and looks at me. "You're an amazing mother." He tells me. "You try your hardest, you're always trying to make sure he's ok and you love him to death. You're an amazing mother, ok?" He asks, smiling up at me. "Ok. I love you." I softly smile at him. "I love you too." He tells me as he leans up and presses a kiss to me lips.

(A/N: I love TFIOS but Hazel and Gus aren't the only ones to EVER SAY OK, OK. People can write it without it being a TFIOS reference. Got it? 👍 )

Ashton: Breaks a bone || I watch from the kitchen as Ashton plays with our two sons in the back garden. Liam, the oldest at 6 and Cody at 4. They run around the yard, chasing each other for the ball they are playing with. I smile as I can hear their laughter from outside. I wipe down the kitchen bench from the mess Ashton made whilst making the boys lunch and look around for any more jobs to do. I put the sponge down when I hear Ashton calling for me and I walk to the back door to see what the problem is. I begin to panic when I see Cody crying into Ash's arms and I quickly make my way over to them. "What's wrong? What happened?" I ask as I take Cody into my arms. "He tripped over and hurt his ankle." Ashton tells me as we walk inside. I set Cody down on the couch and hold him close as Ash looks at his ankle. "I think we might need to get you to the hospital, bud." Ashton says to Cody. He whimpers in response and reaches his arms up for Ashton to carry him. After spending the rest of the afternoon in the hospital, Cody is finally released and happy with the fact the his plaster cast is green.

Luke: Is scared || I begin to wake up when I feel a light tug of the sheets from the end of the bed. I look up to Luke to see him fast asleep, so I sit up confused. "Mummy?" My three year old daughter whispers from the end of the bed. "Summer?" I ask as I tiredly turn on the lamp beside me. "What's wrong sweetie? Why are you awake?" I ask wondering why she is up at three in the morning. "I had a bad dreams." She mumbles, clutching onto her blanket and teddy. "Come here. Do you want to sleep with Mummy and Daddy tonight?" I asks her as she tiptoes over to me. She nods in embarrassment and climbs in next to me and Luke. "You're not Y/N." Luke mumbles as he pulls Summer close to him. "Why are you awake princess?" Luke asks as he cuddles his daughter. "She had a bad dream." I tell Luke, as he tiredly smiles up at me. "Go to sleep baby girl. We'll be right here when you wake up." Luke whispers as he places a kiss to the top of her head. I smile as Summer easily begins to fall asleep in the comfort of her parent's arms. Luke smiles down at her before looking up to me and mouthing the words 'I love you' to me. I smile and wrap the duvet over the three of us before mouthing the words 'I love you too' to him.

Michael: Misbehaves || "Oh my gosh, shut up mum!" My sixteen year old daughter yells at me. "That is no way to speak to your mother, Jess." Michael defends me. "Apologise to her." He demands. "No. Not until she apologises to me!" Jess shouts back. My eyes well up with tears as our only child screams at us and tells us how much she hates us. "Go to your room." Michael orders as he pulls me into his arms. "But I-" She tries to argue. "You're not going to that party, Jessica. Give me your phone and head up to your room." Michael speaks. She groans in frustration and chucks her phone onto the couch before storming upstairs to her bedroom. Once she's upstairs Michael turns to me with an apologetic look upon his face. "I'm sorry baby." He coos as I wipe away a few tears. "It's fine. I should have just let her go to the party. It was my fault..." I mumble. "It wasn't your fault, Y/N. She can't just disrespect us like that. You did nothing wrong." He comforts me. After a moment of silence, Michael speaks up again. "You know she doesn't really hate you, right?" He asks as he looks down at me. "She made it seem pretty believable." I point out. "She's just a rebellious, grumpy teenager. She loves you and so do I." He tells me. "And I love you too. Thank you Mikey." I tell him. "Anything for you."

( RIP to all the people who died on the plane which exploded from the missile. You're in my prayers. You're safe now. x )

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