Study Buddy(Ron Weasley)

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"Ron stoppppppp" you whine. Ron giggles and holds the paper above your head. You jump trying to grab the paper. "Oh come on y/n take a break. You've been studying for 3 hours!" He exclaims. You slump you shoulders and sigh before walking over to your desk. Ron drops the paper and follows you. "You know we have O.W.L.S in less than 12 hours Ronnie. I can't sit around and not study, that's how you fail" you complain. Ron rolls his eyes before placing a hand on your arm. You smile and lean back into him as he burries his face in the crook of your neck and leaves small kisses on the skin. You smile and grab his hands before turning around. "Well, if your gonna study all night, atleast let me study with you" he says. You smile and nod before leading him over to your desk and pulling out a chair for him. "Oh boy" he says. You giggle before handing him a book for potions. "Here, you can start with this" you say. He nods and takes the book from you, opening it to a random page. You roll your eyes before going back to your study guide.
5 hours later

You yawn and close your book before looking over at the clock on your dresser. 2:45 a.m. the clock reads. You sigh and look over at Ron. His eyes were barely open as he scans over the page of the book. You smile before placing your hand on his knee. He jumps a bit before looking over at you. You close his book and grab his hand. "Come on Ronnie, let's go to bed" you say quietly. He nods and stands up, following you to your bed. He climbs in and pulls you down next to him. You smile and wrap your arms around his waist as his gently wrap around around your shoulders. "Goodnight y/n" he says before kissing your forehead. "Goodnight Ronnie" you say as you snuggle into his chest.

"Y/N, Y/N LOOK I PASSED!" Ron yells, running up to you waving the paper in the air. He runs up to your and wraps his arms around your waist. He picks you up and spins you around as you giggle and hug him. "Awww babe I'm so proud of you!" You say. He puts you down and smiles. "What did you get?" He asks. You look down and smile before holding up your test. "I passed" you say cheerfully. He smiles and hugs you once more before placing a small but sweet kiss on your lips. "It was from all that studying" he teases. You roll your eyes and smack him. "I love you Ron" you say. He smiles as his face turns pink. "I love you too y/n.

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