Not an update

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I start online school today smh💀🤚

I'm literally gonna die. I can not learn like that lmao. (Not that I learn anything anyways) but like- STILL. If you guys have any tips for it- please help a gurl out! Cuz like- this one is not tryna fail 10th grade💀✌

Okay okay okay, more imagines will be posted later in the day, prolly around 3 or sum. If you have any ideas of anything you'd like me to post, just comment or message me. I'm still running out of ideas lol, the Cedric one just popped in my head randomly while we were on our way home lmao.

Also! I'm getting all of the HP books for Christmas from my sister, soooooo you already know I'm not coming out of my room until they're read😭

Meanwhile, I decided to binge watch a whole series last night and currently am running low on sleep✌💀 but it's fine cuz they were 🌶spicy🌶

Okay okay, I'm boring you, I know. Just thought it was kinda funny, and I wanted to post something besides an imagine cuz it's like 7 in the morning and I can't think of anything 😭💀

Okay, that's all for now.
Bye babes 🤩

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