Old times sake~Sirius Black

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Requested by: SelinaClarke2

(Nobody has died in this story, not even Fred💀)

It was after the war. Everyone was piled at the burrow, getting ready for the party that the twin's were hosting before they leave to start their joke shop.
They had told everyone that they had invited a special guest, but refused to tell anyone who it was.

Harry and Sirius were in the living room, cleaning and polishing silverware and plates for the food.

"Uncle Sirius....could you tell me something about aunt y/n?" Harry asked Sirius.
Sirius gave a soft smile, looking up to meet Harry's eyes.
"Why the sudden interest in your aunt y/n?" Sirius asked, cocking an eyebrow.

Harry smiled and pointed to the picture above the wooden stove.
Sirius looked up and gave a big, full hearted smile.

"Ahhh y/n...the most beautiful person I had ever met. It broke her heart the day I had to leave for Azkaban" he explained.

"Where is she now?" Harry asked.

"Don't know, we lost all contact when I went to prison- ah but I still remember her sweet scent of lavender and daisies. And the way she always brought a smile to anyone's face who was down" Sirius explained.

Harry was now fascinated.

"You know Harry, she was nothing like your mum. Quite the opposite actually. No- see, your aunt y/n was fearless, didn't let anything get in her way. She never cared what anyone thought about her....that's the part I fell in love with" he took the picture down from the wall and kissed it softly.
"I miss her so much"


The party had started. Everyone was gathered under a small tent outside in the front yard.
Talking and laughter could be heard all throughout the yard, until the clanking of a spoon to a glass interrupted everyone.
They all looked up to see the twin's standing up on a stage, microphones in their hands.

"How's everyone enjoying the party so far?" Fred asked.
Everyone erupted into cheer as the twins smiled.
"Yes yes, very good. Now before we let this party go on any longer, we have a special guest singing for us tonight. So would you please help us with a warm welcome- come on up darling" George said, grabbing the hand on a woman sitting in the front row.

Everyone gazed in awe at her pink silkly dress that had a slit in the thigh. She had on a mask that only covered her eyes.
Her hair was (y/h/c) with a beautiful clip in the back, keeping the front out of her defined face.

She held the microphone up to her mouth as she began to sing.

(Song is magic by Selena Gomez)

Her voice was beautiful like an angel.

"Oh oh oh it's magic. You knowwww! Never believe it's not so" her voice rang through the crowd.

Remus looked at Sirius and smiled.
"You remember this shit Black?" He asked.
"Hell yeah. Me, you, and Y/n used to blast this in the common room"

That's when everyone gasped as Sirius and Remus whipped their heads forward.

"Y-Y/n?" Remus croaked out.

The woman slipped her mask off, revealing a beautiful face with soft and clear skin. Her hair swept against her face as her (y/e/c) eyes scanned the room, finally landing on Sirius.

"Is that aunt-" Harry began.
"Yes. Yes it is" Remus mumbled.

Sirius stood up, walking towards the stage as y/n continued to sing.

"Oh oh oh it's magic...you knowwww never believe it's not soooo, it's magic...you knowww. Never believe it's not soooo" y/n sang louder and louder, watching Sirius intently as he walked towards the stage.

He stopped just below her, holding out his hand for her to take. She smiled and sat the microphone back in the slot, taking his hand as he helped her down.

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