Surprise suprise ~ Tom Riddle

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Warnings: swearing

Plot: imagine you had to leave for about a year because of muggle things, and you suprise Tom.

(Also imagine Tom is in the same time line as Harry and Ron and etc....)

Your heart does a double take as you step off of the train.
You're immediately engulfed into a hug by your best friend Hermione.

"Ugh I missed you so much!" She yells. You giggle and give her a tight squeeze.
"I missed you too Mione!" You yell.

She eventually let's go as Harry and Ron grab your things.
"Everyone is at supper at Hogwarts, but I'm sure that they all wanna see you....especially Tom" Ron says.

You freeze as a smoke creeps onto your lips.
You haven't seen Tom for almost a year. You guys have been dating since your 4th year.
Of course you wrote to eachother while you were gone, but it wasn't the same. You missed him. You missed his hugs, his voice, his laugh, his scent, everything about him. And he missed you.


Harry wraps the invisibility cloak around you as you all walk into the great hall.
Hermione opens the door for you, as you walk in and smile at the sight of all of your friends.
That's when you spot Tom. A wave of excitement and nervousness washed over your body as he giggled and laughed with his friends.
You nudge Hermione's side and grab her arm, pulling her out into the hallway.
You throw the cloak off, breathing heavily.
"Y/n....what's wrong?" She asks, placing her hand on your shoulder.

"What if he didn't miss me? What if he's moved on? What if-" you begin to hyperventilate.
"Y/n? Y/n please calm down... look at me" she says. Her voice was calming as you looked into her eyes.
"Tom missed you. I promise. He wouldn't shut up about you for the whole year!" She exclaims.
You smile and nod as she pulls you into a hug.

She tries to hand you the invisibility cloak, but you shake your head and push it away.
"No, no I don't want that" you say. She nods as you begin to walk back to the great hall.

You take a deep breath before opening the doors. You were surprised that no one had even noticed. Then again, no one ever cared to pay close enough attention to notice who walks through the doors. That is until someone did 
"Hey's y/n!" You hear someone from Hufflepuff yell.

Everyone's eyes land on you. You gulp before stopping right in the middle of the isle.
Your eyes land on Tom. He hadn't seemed to hear the student. Draco's eyes land on you as they widen. He quickly nudges Tom in the arm and points towards you.
"What are you going on-" Tom begins. He immediately stops when he sees you.
You feel tears prick at your eyes as you take a step towards him cautiously.
"Y/n?" Tom mumbles, squinting his eyes.
You smile and nod.
You see a tear roll down his cheek, which causes you to break down.
"Y/n!" He yells, jumping up and sprinting towards you. You let out a sob as his arms wrap around you.

Your arms wrap around his neck as you sob into his chest. His head immediately goes to your neck as he let's some tears fall.
Everyone "awe's" behind you as he spins you around.
"I. Missed. You. So. Much" he says bluntly, pulling away and kissing you softly.
"I missed you too Tommy"

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