One shot at a time ~ Oliver Wood+Draco Malfoy

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TW!!!! Alcohol abuse

You ran into your room, chucking your broom at the wall and throwing your jersey onto the floor.


"Y/N WHY'D YOU LET HIM PAST YOU?!" Oliver screamed as tears pricked at your eyes.
"Why didn't the twins do their job and hit a bludger at them?!" You ask, pointing towards the fingers on the opposite side of the room.

Oliver shakes his head and grabs your shoulder harshly.
You flinch before pulling away.

"Don't you dare touch me!" You yell as his eyes soften.
"What? I touch you all the time-" he begins, his hand reaching up to touch your face, but you pull away again.

"Leave me alone, Oliver!" You yell once more as he furrows his eyebrows.
"Y/n....stop. come here and listen to me" he demands, walking towards you hesitantly.

You shake your head before backing away, and running out the door.

"Don't bother coming to practice tomorrow, then!" He yells after you

End of flashback

Tears stream down your face as you run into the kitchen, throwing open the cabinets and pulling out the bottle of fire whiskey.

You take out a small glass and begin to pour the substance into it.

Without thinking, you down the shot in one gulp. The whiskey left burning sensation in your throat as you began to pour another one.

"I didn't know you drank" you whipped your head around to see Draco Malfoy standing in the doorway of the kitchen.

You roll your eyes and shake your head before turning around to continue your actions.
"I don't" you mumble, downing another shot.

Draco furrows his eyebrows before walking over to you and grabbing the bottle.
"Hey!" You yell as he quickly covers your mouth with his hand.
"Are you trying to get yourself caught?!" He whisper/yells as you shrug.

"Well...I'm already kicked off of the quidditch team, so what are they gonna do? Give me detention?" You ask with a small giggle.

Draco's eyes widen as he snatches the glass out of your hands.

"More like expell you, y/n!" He says frantically, pouring himself a shot.

You smirk while looking down at the glass.

"Looks like you've got your own issues" you mumble as he chuckles.

"Darling, I've had issues ever since I could walk" he states, taking a small sip of the drink.

His eyes wince as he gags.
"This is awful! How the hell do you drink this?!" He asks, setting the glass down.

You smile before snatching the glass and downing his drink.
He watches in amazement as you smirk.

"It takes the pain away" you mumble as he nods.

"I know how you feel" he assures you as you look up at him.
"Yeah?" You say in a questioning manner as he nods and looks down at you.

"Then tell me. How do I feel?" You ask, pulling yourself onto the counter as Draco shakes his head.

"Not tonight, y/n. I need to get back to my dorm. Crabbe and Goyle will be wondering where I've gone" he explains as you scoff sarcastically.

"Oh come on, Malfoy. Aren't you the big, bad, Slytherin prince?" You ask as he scoffs and rolls his eyes.

"No, y/n, I'm not. But I'm also not stupid enough to stay in here and talk to you about my personal problems" he hisses as you smile.

"Whatever Malfoy. I'll see you again, tomorrow night. Just like always" you beam as he smiles.

"See you tomorrow, y/l/n"

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