Paintings on the wall ~ Draco Malfoy

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He was the boy with the platinum blonde hair.
He was the boy that nobody understood.
He was the boy with the broken family.
He was the boy that you fell in love with, and you fell hard.

You walked down the hallway, your head booming from the fight that you just had with Draco.


"How could you keep something like that from me?!" You hiss, inching closer to him.
His eyes widen as he backs away, fear in his eyes.
Good...he should be scared of you. You were fuming. You had just found out that Draco had become a deatheater without even telling you.

"I-I didn't have a choice y/n" he pleaded.
"Bullshit!" You yell.
He flinches a bit before his eyes turn cold.
"Bullshit? Bullshit?! What do you mean!?" He asks frantically.

You scoff and turn away from him.

"You know damn good and well that you had a choice! You just dont want to admit it because you're ashamed!" You yell, pushing him back.

"Ashamed? Ashamed of what y/n?!" He replies.
You turn around and shrug your shoulders.
"I don't know tell me" you mumble.

He furrows his eyebrows before scoffing and walking towards the door.
"Where are you going?" You ask, turning to face him.
"Anywhere that doesn't have you in it" he snips.

End of flashback

You stumble up the stairs, your breath becoming heavier as tears fill your eyes.
"I didn't mean to be so mean to him" you mumble to yourself.

The paintings on the wall look at you with sympathy as you walk by.

"What's the matter dear?" One of them ask.
You look up at it and sigh before sliding down the wall to sit down.

"It's Draco....we had a fight and- I said some horrible things and I don't know what to do" you explain, tears rolling down your cheeks.

The paintings around you sigh and look to each other for advice.

"Are you talking about the boy with the platinum blonde hair?" A little girl asks.
You look up at her and nod as her eyes widen.
"He came through here a while ago. Looked rather upset. We asked him what was wrong and he rambled on about something like a fight and-" she begins.
" was with me" you mumble.

She nods and looks up at her mother.

"I think the best thing for you to do is to talk to him dear" the kind- hearted woman suggests.
You look up at her and nod before standing up.
"Do you know which way he went?" You ask her.
All of the paintings point to the Slytherin common room door as you thank them and mumble the password.


Draco was sitting on the couch, his head in his hands as you walked up to him, tapping his shoulder slightly.
He flinches a bit and looks up. His eyes were puffy and red, his hair was matted and his clothes were wrinkly.

"All of just 1 hour" you think to yourself.

"Y/n...." he whispers, standing up to greet you.
You place your hands on his chest as he looks down at them, smiling softly.

"I'm sorry-" you begin.
"No no no...I'm sorry" he adds.

You shake your head and smile.
"Okay so we're both what?" You ask, looking up at him.

He smiles with that heart melting smile that can make anyone's day.
He leans down and kisses your forehead as you wrap your arms around his waist, his lazily draping around your shoulders as his head buries itself into the crook of your neck.

You fell in love with a forgiver

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