If I'm enough ~ pt 4 (final part)

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"Harry focus. Shut. Him. Out. Don't let him take control!" You yell, hugging onto his waist.

3 hours earlier

You were laying in bed, tossing and turning. You couldn't sleep. The thought of your bestfriend being taken over by something so dark and powerful gave you nightmares and made you sick at the stomach.

"Y/n? Are you awake?" Hermione asks, tugging at you shirt slightly.
You roll over to look at her, smiling softly.
"Yeah I'm awake" you assure her.

She nods and sits down beside you as you scoot over.
"What's up Mione?" You ask, resting your hand on hers.
She takes a deep breath and sighs before a tear slips from her eye. You furrow your eyebrows before hugging her. She begins to sob into your neck as you rub her back.

"Hey, what's wrong?" You ask her.
"D-do you think he'll be able to do it?" She asks.
"Who? And do what?" You ask her.
"Harry..do you think he'll be able to fight off Voldemort? Or do you think we'll lose him?" She asks.

You sigh and lean your head on hers.
"I don't know Hermione. I really don't"


You wake up in the middle if the night only to see Harry standing over you.

"Harry?!" You whisper/yell
He quickly covers your mouth as you gasp.
"It's happening again" he whispers, a tear dropping to the floor.

You nod and stand up, following him down to the common room.

"Harry come on" you say, pulling him down the stairs. He nods and follows you.


You were in the common room for about 2 hours, trying to comfort Harry as he fought off the evil power swimming through his head.

He was wincing and grunting. He sounded like he was in so much pain.
"Harry-" you say, placing your hand on his shoulder.
He immediately pushes it away.
"Don't. Not right now. I don't know what's happening, but I think you should go get the others" he suggests.

You nod before getting up and running back up the stairs to the dormitories.

You enter your dorm, running over to Hermione and Ginny, shaking them frantically.
"Huh....y/n? You alright?" Ginny asks.

"No.. it's Harry. Get the boys, and meet me in the room of requirements" you demand.
They both nod before you run back down the stairs, grabbing your wand and shoving it into your robe pocket.

"Harry, come on" you say, grabbing his hand and pulling him towards the door.
"Where are we going?" He asks 
"To the calmest place I know in this school" you explain.

You enter the room of requirements, sitting Harry in the middle of the floor.
You then backed away, looking around frantically, waiting for the others to appear through the wall.

"Y/n" Harry says coldly. You flinch a bit as you turn around to see him staring at you.
"Yes?" You ask, cocking an eyebrow.
"You need to leave" he says.
You shake your head in protest.
"I'm not leaving you" you assure him.
You then walk closer to him as he scoots away.
"Harry stop it. I'm helping you through this" you snip.
He sighs before nodding.

You sit beside him as he leans his head on your shoulder.

It's been about 5 minutes. Hermione, Ginny, and the boys hadn't shown up yet. It was just you and Harry in the room, and he was getting worse by the minute.
He began muttering things that you could barely hear.
"Stop it!" he finally yells.
Your eyes widen as you look at him.
He hands were tangled in his hair as he began to pull at it viciously.

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