Fights That Turn Into Sorrow(Harry)

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Imagine you and Harry fighting over something and he raises his arms up and you flinch and he immediately feels bad because he knows why.

Tears fill in Harry's eyes as you continue to yell at him. He hated when you guys fought, but he knew that fighting also means you guys aren't faking being happy with eachother, and when you guys make up you can always tell that there is love somewhere in there. This fight was different though. Harry had just caught you talking to Draco Malfoy and he was asking you to the yule ball. Of course you would have said no, but Harry got there before that part.
"Y/n why were you even talking to him about the ball? Do you really think that I would've been okay with it?" "Harry your not bloody listening to me! I said no! You just showed up before that part. I know you hate Malfoy!" "Then why did you even stay there and talk to him?" "Because Harry I'm pretty sure I'm allowed to talk to whoever I want" "okay y/n I get that but, you can't just talk to any guy here. I'M your boyfriend not him. I don't want anyone thinking that your single again!"

You roll your eyes and sigh.

"Harry Potter I am my own person and I can talk to and associate with whoever I damn well please" you say with anger. Harry scoffs.

"Well then maybe you should be single" he snips.

You look at him as a tear falls from his eyes. You bite your lip choking back tears of your own. You take a step towards him but he steps back throwing his hands up in the air. You flinch and shoot back. Harry freezes and stares at you, his eyes going soft as more tears fill them. You stand there in fear as you slowly straighten up. Harry stutters before saying a full sentence. "D-did you actually think I would h-hit you?" You put your head down and fiddle with your thumbs before shaking your head no. You bear footsteps as Harry walks up to you. He takes your hands in his. "Look at me y/n" his voice was softly spoken. You bite your lip and look up at him. His eyes scan your face. "I-I'm sorry" your voice almost sounds like a breath. His face tenses up as he shakes his head. "No no no baby no. It's not your fault" he says while pulling you into a hug. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't be telling you who you can and can't hangout with or talk to, you're your own person your right" you look up shaking your head. "No you were right. I shouldn't be talking to other guys. Especially Malfoy" He smiles before pulling you into another hug. "I need you to know that I will never ever lay a hand on you in that way y/n. I'm not your ex. If I ever hear of anyone laying a hand on you in a harmful way, I swear to god I will kill them. I-" you cut him off by kissing him. He tenses up before kissing you back. "You are mine, and no one will ever hurt you as long as I'm here"

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